Community Education - current class catalogs Families - Winter/Spring 2020 | Page 3
Welcome to ECFE
Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) offers high-quality
programs created to support you in your parenting efforts.
• Strengthen your parenting skills.
• Discover activities to help your child learn.
• See your child thrive and make new friends.
• Grandparents are welcome to register for classes with their
grandchildren, too. Look on page 12 for the
Me & My Grandparents class.
A Typical ECFE Class
Parent/child interaction
You and your child spend time together enjoying activities
designed to enhance learning. You’ll leave with new ideas
to continue at home.
Parenting education
What is Early Childhood Family
Education (ECFE)?
Early Childhood Family Education
(ECFE) offers classes, events,
You’ll meet with other parents/caregivers and a licensed playtimes, and other programs
parenting educator to share ideas and discuss topics such as designed to give parents or
development, temperament and guidance.
Children’s classroom
While you and other parents/caregivers participate
in parenting education, children learn and play in the
caregivers information, ideas, and
skills to support their child’s growth
and development from birth to
classroom with early childhood teachers. Children will enjoy kindergarten. Children delight in
music, art, stories, and large/small muscle activities as they the variety of fun learning activities
learn and play.
ECFE is committed to curriculum that reflects the diversity of families. All ECFE
teaching staff have a degree and state license in Parent Education, Early Childhood
Education, or both.
planned for them in a classroom or
brought to your home by a home