Community Education - current class catalogs Families - Fall 2014 | Page 24

CS community schools ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES FOR PRESCHOOLERS Cheerleading for Fun It’s Raining Cats and Dogs! With an emphasis on fun, children will learn sideline and half-time cheers. This class will develop coordination, timing, and rhythm. Wear tennis shoes and comfortable clothing. Do you love animals? Cats and dogs are the most popular pets, if you don’t count fish, that is. We are going to dive into all activities related to the fun and furry creatures that we know and love: crafts, games, songs and books – all while it is “raining cats and dogs.” Date/Day Location Age Nov 5 W Johnsville Wks Time 3-6 3 6-7 pm Course No. Class Fee CS106-1R1-F $15 Date/Day Location Age Jan 15 Th Hoover Crafts and Stories and Fun, Oh My! Being read to is not only a favorite pastime for young children, but it is also how they begin to learn how to read. Enjoy listening to stories and creating a craft related to the story in this fun class. Paint shirt recommended. Date/Day Location Age Sep 18 Th Hamilton 3-6 Wks Time Course No. Class Fee 3 CS113-1L1-F 6-6:45 pm $19 3-5 Wks Time 2 6-7 pm Course No. Class Fee CS119-1M1-W $19 Kidcreate Studio: Pajama Party Art Class Come to class in your jammies? That’s right; we’ll be doing art in our pajamas! Why? Because we believe everyone is more creative while wearing their slippers. Don’t bring your pillow as there will be no time for napping; we’ll be too busy creating. Pack a nut-free snack and a drink for your child. Date/Day Location Age Create A Masterpiece: Charley Harper’s “Fox and Friends” Nov 14 F Johnsville “What does the fox say?” He says, “Paint my picture, do, do, do, dee, dee, dee!” Through a step-by-step method, you’ll use acrylic ink and watercolor pencils to create a delightful piece of artwork inspired by artist Charley Harper. Location Age Wks Time Oct 23 Th Hoover Oct 1 W Lincoln 4-5 1 5:10-6:10 pm CS105-1D2-F 1 5-6 pm CS120-1D2-F $15 Oct 2 Th Madison 1 6-8 pm Course No. Class Fee $15 4-5 Wks Time Krafty Kids Date/Day 4-9 CS106-1D1-F $25 Join us as we complete weekly craft projects using paint, glue, sparkles, feathers and more fun materials. Dress for mess. Date/Day Course No. Class Fee Location Age 3-5 Wks Time 2 6-7 pm Course No. Class Fee CS119-1A4-F $19 Mad Science: Mad Mixtures Dig Those Bones Join us for three dynamite, adventurous weeks of exploring the fascinating giants of the past. Using fossils, bones and digs, we will explore clues that will help us discover the mysteries of dinosaurs. Date/Day Location Age Wks Time Oct 13 M Frankli