Community Education - current class catalogs Families - Fall 2014 | Page 18
school readiness preschool (SRP)
school year preschool program
School Readiness Preschool
School Year Preschool
School Readiness Preschool Program
Educational Service Center
2727 N. Ferry St., Room 167
Anoka, MN 55303
Three-year-old program
Children must be at least three years of age on
or before September 1, 2014.
What is School Readiness
Four & five-year-old program
• lasses for three, four, and fiveC
year- old children.
Tuition payment schedule
• ffered at ten sites throughout
the district.
• arents are responsible for
• wo, three, and four-day-a-week
• orning, afternoon and evening
• he preschool year begins the
week of September 8 and ends
mid-May to early June, depending
on the class.
Registration for the 2014-2015
preschool year began in February
2014, so some classes may already
be full.
To register call 763-506-1500.
18 Community Education 763-506-1260
Children must be at least four years of age on
or before September 1, 2014.
The first of the nine payments is due at the time
of registration, along with a $25 non-refundable
registration fee. The remaining eight payments
are due on the first of the month, October
through May.
Tuition fee assistance
Reduced tuition assistance is available for families
based on income and family size. To receive
information about tuition fee assistance, call
763-506-1500. Fee waivers may be granted for
special circumstances. Call the School Readiness
Preschool office for information.
Two Day Program
2 Hour Class:
Total Yearly Tuition: $855; 9 Payments of $95
2.5 Hour Class:
Total Yearly Tuition: $1071; 9 Payments of $119
Three Day Program
2 Hour Class:
Total Yearly Tuition: $1287; 9 Payments of $143
Four Day Program
2 Hour Class:
Total Yearly Tuition: $1710; 9 Payments of $190