Avoid the Pitfalls of Perimenopause / Menopause
Perimenopause starts around the age of 35 for most women and can last 10-15 years . Common symptoms include fatigue , migraines , weight gain , water retention , depression , sleep disturbances , joint aches , hot flashes , anger flashes , migraines , fibroids , exaggerated PMS and more . Once you understand exactly what is causing all the troublesome symptoms , they are much easier to correct . We ’ ll discuss how to get hormone levels measured - blood test vs . saliva test and what to do with the results ; traditional HRT vs . bioidentical ; acupressure points to assist in symptom relief and nutritional musts . You ’ ll leave with multiple tools and techniques for restoring health and well-being .
◗ Feb 20 | T | 6-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 | Online AL-2W10-W1 | Novak 1
Intermittent Fasting
What is intermittent fasting ? What are the benefits , challenges and how do you do an intermittent fast ? It is not a diet , but a strategic method of eating that has health improvements you may benefit from . Discover if intermittent fasting is for you .
◗ Apr 9 | T | 6-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 | Staff Dev Ctr AL-B302-W1 | Carpentier
How Healthy is Your Brain ?
Feeling forgetful ? Concerned about the rise of dementia , Alzheimer ’ s disease and mental illness ? Take control of what you can do right now and feed a brain that is resilient . From shopping , cooking , supplementation and key lifestyle changes , discover how you can take control of brain health .
◗ Mar 21 | Th | 6-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 | Staff Dev Ctr AL-2W19-W1 | Carpentier
Conversations – Driving , Doctor Visits , Legal and Financial Planning
When someone is showing signs of dementia , it ’ s time to talk . Often , conversations with family about changing behaviors can be challenging and uncomfortable . This program provides tips for breaking the ice with your family so you can address some of the most common issues that are difficult to discuss : going to the doctor for a diagnosis or medical treatment , deciding when to stop driving , and making legal and financial plans for future care .
◗ May 7 | T | 6:30-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 19 | Staff Dev Ctr AL-2W11-S1 | Tyler
Making Your Resolutions Stick
New Year ’ s resolutions are quite common but how many of us actually succeed with these resolutions ? This class will provide tips and techniques to help your New Year ’ s resolutions stick . It is never too late to make positive changes in your life . So let ’ s start today !
◗ Jan 25 | Th | 6-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 | Staff Dev Ctr AL-B303-W1 | Carpentier
NEW | Mastering Real Self- Care – The Secret to Balancing Your Energy
In this interactive workshop , we ’ ll dive into managing our personal energy . We ’ ll reflect on the activities and people that give us energy and what depletes our energy . We ’ ll spend some time reflecting and creating a plan to balance our energy levels .
◗ Jan 29 | M | 6:30-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 25 | Staff Dev Ctr AL-2W18-W1 | Guerrero
◗ Apr 15 | M | 6:30-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 25 | Staff Dev Ctr AL-2W18-S1 | Guerrero
| Nutrition 101 – Knowledge is Power
This class will introduce participants to key concepts in nutrition as they relate to the essential nutrients for life : macro and micro nutrients . We will discuss their central role in the diet and the role they play in achieving optimal health . Participants will learn about food sources of quality macro and micro nutrients and how to build balanced meals and snacks that incorporate them . Menu ideas and recipes will be provided .
◗ Jan 30 | T | 6:30-8 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 | Staff Dev Ctr AL-B308-W1 | Ewals
Hypnosis to Control Weight & Stop Smoking
Hypnosis for weight loss can stop your obsession with food and pop , and increase your motivation to walk and exercise . Hypnosis for smoking / chewing tobacco can help you quit immediately without withdrawal , cravings or weight gain . Bring a pillow and blanket . Hypnosis fee of $ 44 for weight or smoking or $ 84 for both is payable to New Way Learning Center at class . Note if you plan to attend for weight control , smoking , or both during registration .
◗ Feb 3 | Sa | 9 am-12 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 15 | Staff Dev Ctr AL-2W03-W1 | Fischer
◗ Apr 13 | Sa | 9 am-12 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 15 | Staff Dev Ctr AL-2W03-S1 | Fischer
Understanding Alzheimer ’ s and Dementia
Alzheimer ’ s disease is not a normal part of aging . Join us to learn about the impact of Alzheimer ’ s ; the difference between Alzheimer ’ s and dementia ; stages and risk factors ; current research and treatments available for some symptoms ; and Alzheimer ’ s Association resources .
◗ Feb 20 | T | 6:30-7:30 pm 1 Session | Fee : $ 15 | Staff Dev Ctr AL-2W11-W1 | Tyler
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