Community Education - current class catalogs Adult activities and classes - Fall 2022 | Page 19


NEW | American Sign Language
Would you like to learn how to talk with your hands ? Or communicate with someone without using your voice ? Learn the art of sign language as an important form of communication . Don ’ t miss this great opportunity to learn the basics ; alphabet , common words , sentence structure and grammar . Class meets every other week .
w Sep 24-Dec 3 | 10-11:30 am | 6 Sessions | Fee : $ 75 Sa | Northdale MS | AL077-2C66-F1 | Davidson
Beginning German
Guten tag ! Guten nacht ! How would you like to know these phrases and more ? In this basic German course , you will learn the alphabet , words and important phrases to use while traveling .
w Sep 29-Nov 3 | 6:30-8 pm | 6 Sessions | Fee : $ 85 Th | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2C61-F1 | Miller
Beginning Spanish 101
Learning Spanish enables you to communicate with Spanishspeakers in your community , at work , or when traveling . Classes will explore both the language and culture and focus on pronunciation , reading comprehension , basic grammar and speaking skills . Instructor is a native speaker . See website for additional class details and prerequisites .
w Sep 19-Oct 24 | 6:30-8 pm | 6 Sessions | Fee : $ 99 M | Online | AL077-2C62-F1 | Myers 1
Beginning Spanish 102 w Nov 7-Dec 12 | 6:30-8 pm | 6 Sessions | Fee : $ 75
M | Online | AL077-2C63-F1 | Myers 1

Anoka-Hennepin Schools Preschool Register now for fall 2022 preschool

Register now for fall 2022 preschool
Anoka-Hennepin Community Education offers preschool classes for children who are 3 or 4 years old by Sept . 1 , 2022 . Our preschool curriculum is aligned with the district kindergarten curriculum and licensed teachers monitor child progress and development throughout the school year .
Children participate in hands-on learning activities that are educational and fun , in a stimulating classroom environment that encourages learning through discovery and exploration .
ahschools . us / preschool 763-506-1500
www . discovercommunityed . com | 763-506-5766 | FALL 2022 19