Community Education - current class catalogs Adult activities and classes - fall 2021 | Page 13


Birdwatching 101
Birdwatching is a hobby that can provide you with a lifetime of enjoyment . Be introduced to the basic elements of birding , such as bird shape , size and feeding patterns that you can use to identify your feathered neighbors . Handouts and resources to help you get started on your birdwatching adventures will also be provided . For the second class , we will meet at a local park to do some birdwatching and see who has started to migrate through Minnesota . Beginners welcome . w Sep 28 & Sep 30 | Varies | 2 Sessions | Fee : $ 39 T , Th | Varies | AL077-2C86-F1 | Burnette
NEW | The Magic of Migration
More than one-third of the world ’ s birds migrate and it is why we see and hear different birds in Minnesota at different times of the year . It is truly mystifying how birds weighing in comparison to just six paperclips can make two trips a year between the tropics and Minnesota – and maybe even more - so why would they risk so much to do this ? Learn some of the strategies birds use , how they navigate at night , and what perils they encounter along these epic journeys using some case studies of Minnesota birds . Leave with some rich resources to help accompany your own journey of discovery and learning so you can continue exploration far beyond the classroom . w Sep 22 | 6-8 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 39 W | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2C87-F1 | Burnette
Shinrin Yoku-Forest Bathing
You will be guided on an immersive , meditative , and therapeutic forest walk based on the Japanese practice of Shinrin Yoku . Slow down and intentionally connect your senses to the healing , stress-reducing beauty of a little-known corner of the metro area ’ s green forested spaces . See website for additional class details . Class will meet at Eastman Nature Center in Dayton .
w Sep 18 | 1-3 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 45 Sa | Off-Site | AL077-2W33-F1 | Motzenbecker
w Oct 9 | 1-3 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 45 Sa | Off-Site | AL077-2W33-F2 | Motzenbecker
NEW | Camping In Comfort and Style
Make your campsite feel like home . Even if you are just staying for a night or two , it might surprise you just how much aesthetics can contribute to your experience . Discover easy , inexpensive and fun ideas to turn a basic campsite into a luxurious oasis that you will dream of , long after you ’ ve left . You ’ re sure to be the envy of your friends on social media ! w Sep 13 | 6:30-7:30 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 M | Online | AL077-2C79-F1 | Ramos
Intro to RV Repair
Do you own an RV and need insight on troubleshooting and repairs , or would you like to learn how to winterize it ? If so , you don ’ t want to miss out on this class ! This in-class instruction and hands-on demonstration will cover basic RV 101 troubleshooting including 110 / 12 volt systems , hot water repair , gas / electric refrigeration repair , furnace repair , power conversions , water bypass systems , generator repair and winterizing . Instructor was a certified technician as well as a service manager at an RV and camper company for 17 years . Bring a notebook and pen for taking notes and the owner ’ s manual for your RV . w Sep 9-Sep 30 | 6-8 pm | 4 Sessions | Fee : $ 49 Th | Northdale MS | AL077-2C71-F1 | Long
Make Your Own Fishing Rod
Build your own fishing rod from start to finish . Choose from a spinning or baitcasting 6 ft . medium / light rod ($ 100 ). A completed fishing rod , depending on the craftsmanship , can be valued in excess of $ 300 . Please indicate when registering what type of rod you will make . Contact Gary at 612-810-6046 with rod specific questions . Bring a bag lunch . Supply fee of $ 100 cash or check , paid to instructor at class . w Sep 11 | 8:30 am-3 pm | 1 Session | Fee : $ 29 Sa | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2C72-F1 | Wicks
Fly Tying Essentials
The art of fly-tying allows you to replicate your favorite insects as well as create patterns all your own to entice fish . Learn how to tie nine unique flies , and through those flies , the techniques needed to tie 95 % of all trout flies ! Each fly that you tie builds on the skills learned in previous flies . No experience necessary . Supply fee of $ 5 cash paid to instructor at class . w Oct 12-Oct 26 | 6:30-8:30 pm | 3 Sessions | Fee : $ 59 T | Staff Dev Ctr | AL077-2C88-F1 | Hanson
www . discovercommunityed . com | 763-506-5766 | FALL 2021 13