[ V olunteer C orner ]
Hospital Auxiliary
AllianceHealth Woodward is recruiting for new
volunteer positions. Our volunteers add a per-
sonal touch to help provide comfort to patients
and family members, as well as provide service
and support to hospital staff. We currently have
openings in Registration, Information Desk and
Gift Shop. If you are interested, please contact
Melinda or Michelle at 580-254-8668.
Literacy Council
The Northwest Oklahoma Literacy Council
needs volunteer help, especially for tutoring.
Tutors must have a high school diploma and
the training to be a tutor is free. Tutors will
help adults who are not able to read or need
help reading and will also help people who are
learning English as a second language. Volun-
teers do not need to be bilingual to help those
learning English. Anyone interested in volun-
teering for the Northwest Oklahoma Literacy
Council may call (580) 254-8582.
Woodward Community Pantry
The Woodward Community Pantry provides
a short-term supply of food and necessities to
families in emergency situations. It is spon-
sored by the Woodward Ministerial Alliance
and the Salvation Army. The pantry is com-
pletely operated by volunteers who help stock,
organize and deliver the food. If you would like
to volunteer contact David Neely, president of
the board of directors, 580-254-1219.
Northwest Domestic Crisis Services
NWDCS provides services for adult victims
and their children of domestic violence and
sexual assault. NWDCS serves a 10-county
area including Alfalfa, Beaver, Cimarron,
Dewey, Ellis Harper, Major, Texas, Woods and
Woodward. Services provided include shelters
in Woodward and Guymon, a satellite office in
Alva, 24-hour hotline, counseling, court advo-
cacy, community education and awareness and
social service advocacy.
Volunteers are wanted to provide transportation
for agency clients. NWDCS also needs volun-
teers to become trained to supervise shelter,
answer the crisis line and to assist in providing
childcare services. To learn more call 256-1215
between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through
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