Community Awareness Communal togetherness | Page 5

The Story Within

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LA Motorola dumping took place around 56st street and E Mcdowell Road. Motorola put containers underground full of harmful chemicals/waste. It then leaked from the loosely close container and seeped to the ground water. It has been 25 years since this dumping happened and it is still a problem.

The groundwater is contaminated

and when corrodes the ground and evaporate it getsgroundwater could seep into a home and can suffocate and people could die from inhaling the toxic gas.

"Why did we have to

wait decades?"

said Steve Brittle

."Here we are 20, 30 years later and we're finally doing the stuff that should have been done immediately," said Brittle. As he said motorola has been procrastinating and neverminding this for about years and have barely started. This situation puts many people at risk of getting a diseases.

The government figured out that there was a toxic waste dumping and traced it to Motorola. They did not want the toxic waste to reach the groundwater because we might need it in the future.

So, the EPA had a superfund to clean up this toxic waste before it reached the groundwater, but it was too late the waste reached the groundwater from eastern to central and western Phoenix.

The EPA soon got a machine to pump out the dirty ground water and have it cleaned. Knowing of this story is more than hearing it.

I personally did not know of this problem till 2014 which is a long time especially when I lived in that community for about 2 ½ years. When I first heard of this I was like wow I would of never think that toxic waste was spilled in my community or any community.

I’d think toxic waste would be spelled in the ocean or away from humans because too many things are spilled in the ocean and usually things extremely dangerous are not spilled close to civilization. I don’t want any toxic waste spelled, so awaring people of it can cause awareness to rise all over Arizona, but the start is always going on.

The ultimate texture

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