COMMUNICATION: How To Flirt, Start Conversations And Keep Them Going? What To Say After The First "Hello" | Page 9
You're cooking dinner for a friend and you accidentally burn the main course.
What do you do?
a. Cook another main course;
b. Own up to the mistake and order a pizza;
c. Say you've changed your mind and go out for dinner?
How would the following be rated in an ideal vacation:
a. Reading and relaxing
b. Excursions
c. Shopping
d. Dining and Shows
e. Exercise and Adventure
f. Museums
You are:
a. A good girl/boy
b. A bad girl/boy
c. A good girl/boy, that became a bad girl/boy
d. A bad girl/boy, that became a good girl/boy
Which of the following would your ex be most likely to prescribe for you:
a. caffeine
b. alcohol
c. testosterone
d. Prozac
e. a vibrator / sexdoll
Which date is most appealing?
a. Cappuccino's at the local bookstore
b. Beer and hotdog's at a ballgame
c. 4 Star dinner followed by dancing at the latest hotspot
d. Martini's with appetizers before the Blue Man Group
Discover how (s)he looks at Relationships :
Tell me a little bit about your family.
Do you believe in love at first sight? (is he/she a romantic person?)
When was your last relationship and how long did it last?
Why Did you Break up with your Last Partner?
What is your idea of love?
What are the most important things you're looking for in a person?
What do you look for in a husband/wife?
List 3 interests you would like a partner to share with you?
What do you think is the most important value in a relationship?
Do you want to marry or have you ever been married?
Do you like / do you want / do you have children?
Suppose if we got into a big fight or argument, what would you do to solve the issue?
Is sexual compatibility important to you?
On a scale of 1-10, rank the importance of sex to a relationship
Do you have any 'happily married' friends or are they just married?