Com(m)unicate 2013 Holiday Edition Dec. 2013 | Page 8

By: Marian Aristizábal **Instructions: Write down the words that a friend chooses to fill in the blanks with, without them knowing the story. After the whole story is complete, read it out loud. I wonder if Santa Claus is real. Would he be a really (adjective) man? Or what if in reality he was the more (adjective) type of guy? Who knows? For all we know he could be a(n) (adjective) person (verb) ing around with his (adjective) (object) . You see, that would explain a lot since last year all I got for Christmas was a (adjective) (noun) . It really sucked because, in reality, I’d wished for (celebrity name) to magically appear in (your favorite place) with a(n) (object) tied in colorful ribbons. It was so disappointing not to see (same celebrity) , that I had a major (adjective) outbreak in the middle of (school subject) class. What’s even worse is that this happened all in the middle of (any month but December) . This got me several weird looks, especially after I hit (teacher’s name) in the (body part) and then simply proceeded to empty a bottle of (liquid) on myself for, what seemed, no apparent reason. Although the teacher incident got some congratulatory and approving looks from several other students, especially from (friend’s name) , the whole (same liquid) part only made others really uncomfortable. My parents were advised to seek me some professional help. So…yeah… I really hope I get what I want this Christmas. Wouldn’t a new (object) be nice?