Commercial Planning Permission: The Complete 2015 Guide | Page 6
Commercial Planning Permission: The Complete 2015 Guide
If your application is refused, you may be able to come to an agreement
with your LPA by adjusting the plans slightly. You should be aware that
appeals can take several months to be processed.
You can, however, only appeal in certain specific situations, such as if your LPA:
Refused your application
Grants you permission, but there are conditions to the permission that you object to
Refused to approve anything referred to as an outline permission, i.e. planning permission
for an idea rather than a specific plan
Refused approval for something that was previously demanded by them as a condition (i.e. if
you’ve developed a building as part of obtaining planning permission on a previous project)
Doesn’t make a decision by the deadline, and doesn’t obtain permission to alter the deadline
Serves you with an enforcement notice because it thinks you might have broken planning
permission, and you disagree
Commercial Property – Industrial Units, Office Space to Rent