Commercial Investment Real Estate Winter 2020 | Page 8

By Nicholas Leider WHAT LIES AHEAD Accomplished CCIM instructor Alec Pacella, CCIM, joined CIRE podcast to discuss disruptive technology, where the market is headed, and the importance of giving back. W elcome to the New Year! One big addition to Commercial In- vestment Real Estate in 2020 is the CIRE podcast, where we sit down with leading figures in commercial real estate to keep you on the cutting edge of the industry. With our debut in January, a handful of episodes are available on SoundCloud, Spotify, iTunes, or wherever you find your podcasts. We will also include a printed ex- cerpt of our episodes, including this issue’s conversation with Alec Pacella, CCIM. Pacella is the managing partner at NAI PVC in Cleveland. Last year, he was NEXT FEW YEARS THAT WOULD BE ESPECIALLY IMPACTFUL? honored as the Robert L. Ward Instructor of the Year for CCIM Institute. We discus technological developments in the industri- al sector, the reinvention of Cleveland and other Rust Belt cities, and the value of the instructor/student relationship in CRE. ALEC PACELLA, CCIM: I think the one that everyone’s watching is this driver- less vehicle idea because that could really change the paradigm. A lot of times, you just go along and see these little changes, little changes, little changes. Then suddenly something happens in a landmark way. For instance, with computing, look at the land- mark change with the internet — everyone saw computers getting more powerful and automation taking effect. All of a sudden, the World Wide Web was introduced, and it’s a quan- tum leap. In the transporta- tion industry, autonomous vehicles could be a quan- tum leap because, all of a sudden, the restrictions on how much product and how far it can move in a day are changed. Right now, that’s governed by how long someone can drive. There are very strict limitations, for instance, on the amount of time someone can spend driving a truck. When all of a sudden, you switch to a driverless vehicle, those restrictions get lifted. If you think that commerce can move 24 hours a day, seven days a week, that’s a fundamental change. I think everyone in the industry is watching. How much traction are driverless vehicles really gaining? Ultimately, how’s that going? CIRE: TECHNOLOGY IS IMPACTING ALL DIFFERENT SECTORS OF THE MARKET. BUT AS FAR AS MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL, ARE YOU SEEING ONE OR TWO INNOVATIONS COMING IN THE CIRE: DO YOU SEE CHANGE COMING IN A TRANSFORMATIONAL WAY? WILL THIS BE A SITUATION WHERE THE DAM BREAKS, REGULATIONS ARE EASED, AND THERE’S BUY-IN FROM ALL INDUSTRIES? 6 COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE PACELLA: It’s funny, because monumental change happens very quickly. All of a sud- den, it’s then like, what happened? Where did that come from? I think it will be quick — when it happens, we’re talking a matter of a few short years. CIRE: DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE PROFES- SIONALS TO PREPARE? OR IS THAT A SECRET YOU’RE KEEPING? PACELLA: You need to be on top of things, and I think a lot of people figure auton- omous vehicles could be a fad. If you see someone in a Tesla texting, you might think that’s funny or isn’t that crazy? You might not think, well, what could that mean to my industry? What could that mean to my busi- ness? It’s important to connect those dots, to link those things and understand that, yes, there’s a much broader impact. You better be aware; you better be paying attention. You better be reading, and you better be contin- ually thinking about how a technology can impact your business. CIRE: DO YOU SEE 5G AFFECTING WHAT FUTURE TENANTS MAY WANT IN A MAN- UFACTURING OR INDUSTRIAL SPACE? PACELLA: Oh, yeah. Absolutely. For many years, you could have a really large ware- house in Cleveland — 300,000 or 400,000 sf. In central Ohio, a really large warehouse is a million sf, but it would bring a handful of jobs. You’d have vast acres of storage and just a few people that run forklifts and help man- age truck traffic. But now, look at an Amazon fulfillment center. There are 3,000 people packed into one of those. In a lot of ways, it’s refreshing to see that. These big footprint industrial users can come accompanied with people and with jobs. 5G provides the ability for internal communication and picking sys- tems within the warehouse. Still, they need WINTER 2020