Commercial Investment Real Estate Winter 2020 | Page 4
New Year, New CIRE
t’s a new year, and there’s plenty to
look forward to in 2020. I hope you
are as excited as I am about the debut
of the newly redesigned Commercial In-
vestment Real Estate magazine you have in
your hands.
It’s not just a change in look to a
more modern, clean feel, but you’ll find
a few exciting additions to the content,
as well. For example, in the new By the
Numbers column, we’re bringing the data
trends and their impact to you — and the
story behind it. In this issue, an expert from Moody’s Analytics
shares data trends and its implications on the office sector.
We’ve kept the perennial favorite, CCIM Q&A, and added a
Candidate Spotlight. Each issue, you’ll hear one person’s fascinat-
ing journey on their way to earning the pin.
Turning your attention to the global landscape, check out
the Worldview section for a quick CRE snapshot of a featured
market from around the world.
Of course, the high-quality, compelling features that you’ve
come to expect are included in this and every issue. The cover
story provides an exceptional capital markets update from CCIM
Institute’s Chief Economist K.C. Conway, MAI, CRE. In the other
features, you’ll learn about the impact of 5G on the industry, the
legislative outlook and public policy priorities from the institute’s
advocacy team, what’s driving the growth in socially responsible
development, and the challenges and opportunities in the canna-
bis sector.
Lastly, to further enhance your CIRE experience, a monthly
companion podcast debuted this month. You can read an excerpt
from one episode in this edition of the magazine and then head
over to to hear the full podcast. There are already sever-
al episodes available for you to binge-listen, so I encourage you to
take a listen and subscribe.
I hope you enjoy the new CIRE offerings. Let us know what
you think. In the meantime, here’s to a successful 2020.
2020 CCIM Institute President
Contact him at [email protected].
Commercial Investment Real Estate, the magazine of CCIM Institute, reports on market
trends and analysis, current developments in the field, and successful business strategies.
Publisher, Rich Rosfelder, [email protected]
Director of Communications, Larry Guthrie, [email protected]
Senior Content Editor, Nicholas Leider, [email protected]
Content Coordinator, Anand Pillai, [email protected]
Contributing Editors: Shawn Amuial; John Blake; Bo Barron, CCIM; Megan Booth;
Victor Calanog, PhD, CRE; Tom Hershey; Todd Kuhlmann, CCIM; Lee Samuelson
Design Consultant: Homestyles Media
Editorial Review Board: Adrian A. Arriaga, CCIM; David B. Eaton, CCIM;
David Ellermann, CCIM; Jeff Engelstad, CCIM; Eric B. Garfield, CCIM; Tony M.
Guglielmo, CCIM; James L. Helsel, CCIM; Soozi Jones Walker, CCIM; J. Howard
King, CCIM; George C. Larsen, CCIM; Kevin G. Lenze, CCIM; Mark Lee Levine,
CCIM; Albert S. Livingston, CCIM; Charlie Mack, CCIM; David L. Schank, CCIM
Editorial Address: 430 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611-4084; Contact us at
(312) 321-4531 or [email protected]
Advertising: Dan Burke at [email protected] or (732) 241-6720,
Burke Media Group, 22 Robbin St., Monmouth Beach, NJ 07750
Subscriptions: $45 for nonmembers in U.S.; $55 for nonmembers in Canada and
Mexico. Call (800) 532-8633.
Reader Services: All dues-paying members of CCIM Institute receive
Commercial Investment Real Estate magazine four times a year as a member benefit.
Subscribe, purchase back issues, or order customized article reprints: or (800) 532-8633 x4491.
Make address changes: [email protected] or (800) 532-8633 x4491
Request reprint permission: [email protected]
Submit articles and editorial ideas: [email protected]
Postmaster: Send address changes to Commercial Investment Real Estate,
430 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 700, Chicago, IL 60611-4084.
Commercial Investment Real Estate (ISSN 1524-3249) is published quarterly by
CCIM Institute of the National Association of Realtors, 430 N. Michigan Avenue,
Chicago, IL 60611-4084. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL, and additional
mailing offices. The opinions expressed in signed articles and materials appearing
in Commercial Investment Real Estate, including specific references to products
and services, are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Commercial In-
vestment Real Estate, CCIM Institute, or the National Association of REALTORS®.
© 2020 by the CCIM Institute. All rights reserved.
CCIM Institute
CCIM Institute, an affiliate of the National Association of REALTORS®, confers the
Certified Commercial Investment Member designation to commercial real estate
professionals who have extensive training and industry experience and complete a
rigorous study program.
Executive Offi cers
President, Eddie D. Blanton, CCIM, Charlotte, N.C.
President-Elect, Timothy S. Blair, CCIM, Birmingham, Ala.
First Vice President, Leslie G. Callahan III, CCIM, Atlanta
Treasurer, Chuck C. Connely IV, CCIM, Kansas City, Mo.
Executive Vice President & CEO, Gregory J. Fine, FASAE, CAE, Chicago