Commercial Investment Real Estate Summer 2022 | Page 4


Mission Accomplished

Summer is a time of celebrations of milestones of all kinds . Whether it is a niece graduating from kindergarten or a son receiving his college diploma , we are surrounded by occasions to recognize the dedication and achievements of others . CCIM Institute recently did just that when we welcomed 166 new designees who passed their comprehensive exam at CCIM Institute ’ s Midyear Governance Meetings in Charlotte , N . C ., in April .

The CCIM designation pinning ceremony is a special moment for everyone involved — full of pride , joy , and accomplishment . It is also the beginning of a new chapter in a designee ’ s career . The power of the pin is not about one day or even one year . The CCIM designation is a commitment to being a highly skilled , professional , and ethical leader in commercial real estate .
CCIM Institute also has a commitment to industry practitioners across the globe — to offer the necessary resources and support so that they can grow their businesses . We believe that lifelong learning is the key to continued success and crucial to maintaining an edge in a highly competitive world . That is why we offer timely new courses to adapt to a constantly changing marketplace . One such new course is Inflation ’ s Impact on Commercial Real Estate . Foundational courses include CI 101 : Financial Analysis for Commercial Investment Real Estate . Existing CCIM Institute courses are constantly being updated .
Outside of the classroom , CCIM Institute is committed to providing you with technology solutions and the latest industry insights . For example , Site To Do Business , our comprehensive digital toolkit , recently added five new offerings , including Market InSites . Formerly known as Reis Reports , Market InSites are detailed reports leveraging Moody ’ s property and market-supply data .
When it comes to the latest industry updates , continue reading this issue ( and all past issues ) of the institute ’ s award-winning Commercial Investment Real Estate magazine . Combined with a companion podcast of the same name , you are sure to lead with the most current knowledge and tools .
Sincerely ,
LESLIE G . CALLAHAN III , CCIM 2022 CCIM Institute President Contact him at lcallahan @ ccim . net .


Commercial Investment Real Estate , the official magazine of CCIM Institute , reports on market trends and analysis , current developments in the field , and successful business strategies .
CIRE STAFF Publisher , Larry Guthrie , lguthrie @ ccim . com Senior Content Editor , Nicholas Leider , nleider @ ccim . com Marketing Project Manager , Gina Florzak , gflorzak @ ccim . com
Contributing Editors : Tracy Altemus , CCIM ; Ermengarde Jabir , Ph . D .; Michael Gion ; Jeff Gould , CCIM , CPM ; William Lobel ; Michael J . Rohm , CCIM , MAI
Design Consultant : Homestyles Media
Editorial Review Board : Adrian A . Arriaga , CCIM ; David B . Eaton , CCIM ; David Ellermann , CCIM ; Jeff Engelstad , CCIM ; Eric B . Garfield , CCIM ; Tony M . Guglielmo , CCIM ; James L . Helsel , CCIM ; Soozi Jones Walker , CCIM , SIOR ; J . Howard King , CCIM ; George C . Larsen , CCIM ; Kevin G . Lenze , CCIM ; Mark Lee Levine , CCIM ; Albert S . Livingston , CCIM ; Charlie Mack , CCIM ; Kenisha Robnett , CCIM , MRED ; David L . Schank , CCIM
Editorial Address : 430 N . Michigan Avenue , Chicago , IL 60611-4084 ; Contact us at ( 312 ) 321-4531 or magazine @ ccim . com .
Advertising : Heather Macaluso at hmacaluso @ ccim . net or ( 717 ) 430-2224 .
Subscriptions : $ 45 for nonmembers in U . S .; $ 55 for nonmembers in Canada and Mexico . Call ( 800 ) 532-8633 .
Reader Services : All dues-paying members of CCIM Institute receive Commercial Investment Real Estate magazine four times a year as a member benefit . Subscribe , purchase back issues , or order customized article reprints : www . ccim . com / cire or ( 800 ) 532-8633 x4491 . Make address changes : magazine @ ccim . com or ( 800 ) 532-8633 x4491 Request reprint permission : magazine @ ccim . com Submit articles and editorial ideas : magazine @ ccim . com
Postmaster : Send address changes to Commercial Investment Real Estate , 430 N . Michigan Avenue , Suite 700 , Chicago , IL 60611-4084 .
Commercial Investment Real Estate ( ISSN 1524-3249 ) is published quarterly by CCIM Institute of the National Association of REALTORS ®, 430 N . Michigan Avenue , Chicago , IL 60611-4084 . Periodicals postage paid at Chicago , IL , and additional mailing offices . The opinions expressed in signed articles and materials appearing in Commercial Investment Real Estate , including specific references to products and services , are those of the authors and not necessarily those of Commercial Investment Real Estate , CCIM Institute , or the National Association of REALTORS ®. © 2022 by the CCIM Institute . All rights reserved .
CCIM Institute , an affiliate of the National Association of REALTORS ®, confers the Certified Commercial Investment Member designation to commercial real estate professionals who have extensive training and industry experience and complete a rigorous study program .
Executive Officers President , Leslie G . Callahan III , CCIM , Atlanta President-Elect , David Schnitzer , CCIM , Addison , Texas First Vice President , D ’ Etta Casto-DeLeon , CCIM , Houston Treasurer , Charlie Mack , CCIM , Las Vegas Treasurer-Elect , Steve Rich , CCIM , Charlotte , N . C . Executive Vice President & CEO , Paul Rumler , Chicago