Commercial Investment Real Estate Spring 2020 | Page 6
By Nicholas Leider
he COVID-19 pandemic has claimed
business as usual as one of its pri-
mary victims. With massive govern-
ment bailout packages being introduced
and public health advisories changing daily,
Commercial Investment Real Estate reached
out to K.C. Conway, MAI, CRE, CCIM Insti-
tute chief economist and director of research
and corporate engagement at the Alabama
Center for Real Estate.
What can you do to fight a global pan-
demic? Conway suggests pragmatic, attain-
able solutions.
“I encourage a two-pronged strategy
— one that I’ve developed and am currently
using myself,” he says. “First, look up and
look forward. You cannot see the light at
the end of the tunnel if you’re looking down.
And then, equally as important, engage
in what-if thinking. Things are changing
so rapidly, we need to be agile and be able
to react to the plethora of things that are
happening — Fed intervention, pronounce-
ments by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and
FDIC loan modifications, to name a few.
“One day, you may say, ‘Gosh, every-
thing looks gloomy,’ but what if the FDIC
provides loan modification guidance? Guess
what? That just happened. Are you ready to
engage to keep your business going or par-
ticipate to assist your client?”
On a recent trip to his dry cleaners,
who was experiencing a much lighter vol-
ume of business, Conway decided to stop
by the other tenants in the small shopping
center. He saw a bustling crowd inside a
printing and shipping outlet while restau-
rants remained empty. He then spoke with a
florist who was seeing above average traffic
because consumers were sending flowers to
quarantined family members.
Seeing the wide variety of situations
faced by the tenants, Conway arranged for a
meeting with the property owner. (This was
before the FDIC small loan modification
program was unveiled.) The conversation
revealed that 60 percent of tenants need-
ed rent abatement to make it through this
unprecedented situation. The solution in-
volved offering struggling tenants free rent
for 90 days with thriving tenants extending
their leases so they wouldn’t be exposed for
five years or more. The last part of the puzzle
was finding a financial institution to make it
all happen.
Conway and the property owner
proceeded to approach a bank with their
proposal, but it was constrained due a lack
of guidance from regulators. They then ap-
proached a credit union, and the institution
was very interested in what they had to say.
“The credit union was incredibly re-
ceptive,” Conway says. “The representative
appreciated that the property owner had
already thought through how to deal with
the tenants experiencing disruption. He also
liked the fact that we extended all the leases
or could secure an extension for five-year
K.C. Conway, MAI, CRE
terms on others. He saw it as a reasonable,
viable loan request.
“Guess what happened? The land-
lord received a loan commitment from the
credit union, which gave him peace of mind
that his tenants would not all be vacating
in the next 60 to 90 days. The loan also
gave peace of mind to the distressed ten-
ants, knowing they could make it another
90 days. And it meant the bank got paid,
making it one less loan to worry about. This
is a great example of look-up-and-forward
and what-if thinking.”
Such pragmatic steps can position
tenants, landlords, property managers,
and lenders for long-term success, no mat-
ter how turbulent the current situation
may seem.
“Think about our Greatest Genera-
tion,” Conway says, referencing those who
were born in the first few decades of the
20th century. “They endured world wars
and survived the Great Depression. Engage
in Greatest Generation behavior. Keep your
eyes up and looking forward.”
Nicholas Leider
Senior content editor of
Commercial Investment Real Estate
Contact him at [email protected].
For more resources, visit CCIM Institute’s
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources and
Guidance page at