Commercial Investment Real Estate May/June 2016 | Page 23

Mitigating Risks 3 Most effective EIM solutions place a high priority on ease of use and mobile information access, making them an ideal alternative to existing risky consumer fi le sharing alternatives. Also, EIM systems offer many features that simplify corporate collaboration while minimizing the external threats resulting from the use of personal mobile devices and applications to access company data. Effective EIM solutions make it easy to determine and dictate which content classes can be shared with external parties via the cloud. At the same time, these solutions ensure classifi ed information assets are always kept behind the on-premises fi rewall. When evaluating any information management solution, here are crucial features to protect valuable, sensitive company data: • Access control: Unlike personal fi le sharing apps, an EIM solution can be confi gured to enforce informa- tion protection policies, automate workfl ows, and give IT broader content management capabilities. The con- trol over data enables companies to monitor who has access to what content, regardless of where information or users reside. • Version control: Most enterprise fi le sync and share solutions fall short in version control capabilities. The abil- Does ity to ensure that users always access the latest version of a document and can enforce review workfl ows for new version approval takes organizations’ information manage- ment practices far beyond simple fi le sharing. • Intelligent categorization: EIM systems offer a way to simplify categorizing and displaying information in a man- ner that delivers content in personalized context, lead- ing to higher levels of employee productivity and easier collaboration. For example, categorizing documents with traditional folder structures hinder users from dynamically listing expiring contracts or accepted proposals. Understanding that employees rely on their personal fi le sharing apps because the apps are more intuitive and easier to use, organizations must strive to ensure that company-sanctioned alternatives are as simple for end- users and meet strict security, control, and compliance demands. Using a full-featured EIM solution, today’s fast- moving real estate and investment businesses gain this powerful combination of safety, security, and ease of use. Mika Javanainen is senior director of product management at M-Files Corporation. Contact him at mika.javanainen@m- fi know you’re a CCIM? Add CCIM as a certifcation on your LinkedIn profle today. It only takes 30 seconds! “ Right after I added CCIM on my LinkedIn profle, I had several inqui- ries from brokerage frms looking to recruit new talent with quantifable knowledge and experience. DAVID ELLERMANN, CCIM ” Ellermann Commercial Brokerage | Chicago, IL May | June | 2016 