Commercial Investment Real Estate March/April 2019 | Page 17
“...Smart, sophisticated local banks
that understand compliance see
financing projects in the industry
as an incredible opportunity to beat
their competition.”
— Dominic Sergi,
Co-founder of Cresco Labs
Financing Growth
Banks are hesitant to offer traditional financing to such opera-
tions due to the federal prohibition. A financial institution that
provides services to a cannabis operation could, by the letter of
the law, be charged under federal law for aiding and abetting
a federal crime in addition to money laundering, according to
the U.S. Department of Justice, even if enforcement remained a
low priority.
“Conflicting laws at the federal and state levels portend a
thicket of regulatory compliance issues for participants in this
industry,” McGraw says. “Commercial real estate brokers are
affected by these issues — be it location and siting or capital and
credit — as they work to serve the market.”
In addition to private funding sources, cannabis growers
and retailers are receiving some attention from smaller, state-
level banks.
“Traditional bank financing from the major national institu-
tions doesn’t yet exist, but smart, sophisticated local banks that
understand compliance see financing projects in the industry as
an incredible opportunity to beat their competition,” Sergi says.
Even if the federal government overturned its prohibition of
cannabis tomorrow, the industry would face challenges specific
to its production, cultivation, distribution, and sale. The reuse of
a cannabis growing facility, for example, might negatively impact
the value of the real estate because of the specialized nature of
the crop. But such obstacles, when factored into the cost-benefit
analysis of entering the emerging cannabis industry, are not
enough to diminish what appears to be a promising market.
“We are bullish on the market overall. The landscape for
capital over the past 36 months has become increasingly more
interested in the space and sees this as a long-term opportunity
that should not be passed up,” Sergi says. “Over the next two
or three years, we see the capital markets normalizing to a level
where institutional capital will be playing. We’re already seeing
them poking around asking questions.”
Nicholas Leider is senior content editor for Commercial
Investment Real Estate. Contact him at [email protected].
CRE Analytical Methods and Models
New Designee-Only
Refresh Your Skills and Earn CE Credit
The Robert L. Ward Center for Real Estate Studies is pleased
to offer four new designee-only, online self-paced courses
covering core CCIM concepts. Designees can register to earn
real estate CE credit or take the courses at a reduced rate
without CE credit. Earn your CE credit by taking the following
Ward courses.
Comprehensive review of CCIM designation core
concepts including fi nancial, market, investment
and user decision analyses.
CRE Market Analysis Decision Models
Comprehensive review of how
w to perform market
research, assess market d
and forecast
m a
future demand and op
for commercial
real estate investment.
n t
CRE User Decision Decision Models
Comprehensive review of the space acquisition
process, comparative lease analysis, valuing
leasehold interests, and lease exit strategies.
CRE Investment Decision Models
To learn more, visit
or call +1 (312) 321-4460, opt. 2
Comprehensive review of applying key investor
decision-making analyses to optimize ROI,
fi nance CRE investments, and effectively forecast
investment performance.
March | April 2019