Commercial Guidebook | Real Estate Investor Magazine Commercial Handbook | Page 37

“ Innovation is critical in this sector . If we can ’ t innovate , move boundaries and do things differently , we are going to stagnate . You have to be flexible , understand the opportunity , and then provide an innovative solution for it to benefit clients . We achieve this in part by embracing local talent , and bringing global practice to local talent .”
The most recent process of reinvention occurred a short five years ago . Having lost its major client , Broll was facing an uncertain future . Survival required action by the management team and diversification of income streams . The previous business model of being solely a property management company changed to a focus on diversified service streams for owners and occupiers - particularly multi-national companies .
Says Mr Horne : “ We had to be nimble in our service offering to clients . We designed a business that was very customer focused . We needed to understand what our clients wanted to achieve , and became focused on producing a solution around their specific requirements . This extended to our service providers too , who were critical to our operations and to the delivery of services to our clients .”
Enter John Keramianakis , Managing Director of Asset Control , whose company specialises in software solutions for operating large facilities and asset management . Their software is utilised by Broll to manage their business operations . Managing calls , allocating tasks and making systems like materials databases possible , it enables the management of costs and the delivery of efficiencies through direct , mobile contact with contractors and clients .
“ Through the portal , Broll is able to efficiently manage its network of service providers . It allows them to receive quotes for work to be done , status updates on jobs underway , invoices for work completed , and to assist in tracking supplier payments . The system removes all manual elements from the process , making Broll unique ,” says Mr Keramianakis .
Having provided the service to Broll and other major clients , the company is also eyeing new market-contractors themselves .
“ We realised the need to start on the ground with the ‘ bakkie-brigade ’ – these are small contractors operating from a single truck .
We offer them a complementary set of tools , which includes a mobile app that they can load onto their smartphones or other portable devices , and
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similar software solutions that we offer to our highend clients . This enables small contractors to receive and execute work instructions and then submit the invoice back up the line – all whilst being mobile .
It was the want of a niche that saw us taking Asset Control out of a bigger business , to create a stand-alone entity , focused on providing solutions to the facilities management , property management and asset management industries .
Delivery of a service is always important . Because assets can be spread across the country , we recognised the need to provide a solution that allows for the correct service provider , located nearest to the asset , to carry the work out as quickly as possible .”
“ The Broll Property Group and Asset Control relationship clearly demonstrates how big businesses working with highly-specialised small businesses can be integral to growing the economy by developing solutions in niche sectors of business operations .
The winners are all the companies involved - ranging from the large corporation , the SME supplier tasked with delivering innovative business solutions , the contracting service providers , and ultimately the South African economy as a whole ,” says Ms Nyembe .
Magna Carta
Commercial Handbook 2016 35