Commercial Guidebook | Real Estate Investor Magazine Commercial Handbook 2013 | Page 27

“Gauteng is currently one of the world’s fastest growing metropolitan areas and well-located land “Town planning for the project is complete and everything is ready. We plan to start putting in Krisp Property executive director Jordan Mann described Olifantsfontein as up and coming for light industry, as the area was well-situated between Midrand, the airport and Pretoria. Each stand could have a 70% construction coverage, with up to two storeys, Mann added. within the priority development corridors and nodes between Jo’burg and Pretoria will see sustainable growth.” “We are developing 8ha of land at the centre of industrial area, which makes it very well positioned for light industry,” Mann said. “The entire estate will also be equipped with state-of-the-art security.” Eleven stands, ranging from 3 000m² to 11 000m², would be developed. Work would start in early 2014, he said. services early next year,” Mann said. “Six portions of the 11 erven will have major exposure to the high traffic flow along Olifantsfontein Road.” Krisp Properties is also busy with another major development, the R500 million Clearwater Office Park along Atlas Road, which is being built to complement the OR Tambo Aerotropolis. The company already boasts successes which include Randburg Office Park, Ebony Park Shopping Centre in Midrand and Sandton Office Park. RESOURCES Krisp Properties Marna van der Walt Ceo, Excellerate Property Services Q&A 1.What pushed you to become the top of your game? Courage to dream Passion for people Obsession for quality The courage to challenge the status quo 2. Where do you see commercial investment getting the best returns? That depends on your risk profile. Foreign investors receive great value for their money and much higher return than they will in their local markets - which have stagnated. 3. What do you think the new trends in commercial property investment will be? 3.1 Residential investment – the formulation of residential funds that will list on the JSE. These funds will consist of various residential types of properties, for example student accommodation. 3.2 Expansion into Africa – as the various property markets in Africa expand and increase their service offering so will the need for additional s ervices. These services are new to the markets and create a new set of challenges and potential income stream. 4. Which country in Africa will become a investment destination and why? 4.1 Ghana – which has minerals, like oil and gold – and it is easy to do business. The property market in Ghana is more mature than most and the concept of a more formal property market is setting in. As the market matures and expands the additional services will also follow suit. It also offers value for money and good returns on investments. There is a shortage of suitable space and the market has seen a upgrade in infrastructure. 4.2 Nigeria – has huge potential – the fastest growing middle class in Africa, there is a shortage of suitable space. Economic growth is still driven by the local oil-and-gas industry and this will continue to drive the demand for infrastructure and support services, including the need for retail and industrial space. Commercial Handbook 2013 25