Commercial Aircraft Avionic Systems Market is Expected to Reach Over CAGR of 6.39 % during 2017-2021 : Radiant Insights , Inc
“ To calculate the market size , the report presents the market landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the four major vendors operating in the market .”
About Commercial Aircraft Avionics Systems
Avionic systems are a combination of electro-mechanical and electronic systems , which allow effective operation of aircraft . Each avionic system depends on electronic devices for its functioning . For instance , the fly-by-wire control system depends on digital computers for its operation . Avionic systems provide pilots with data such as aircraft altitude , airstream incidence , and air speed using air data sensors , aircraft motion using accelerometers , control stick sensor assembly , and rate gyros . Avionics include communication systems , cockpit display systems , control and monitoring systems , navigation systems , and other electro-mechanical arrangements .
The global commercial aircraft avionics systems market to grow at a CAGR of 6.39 % during the period 2017-2021 .
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