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Mentorship : Empowering the Next Generation

Leaders Share Their Techniques , Goals , and Tactics

By Larry Feld

Today , mentorship is unquestionably one of the most valuable tools for helping new generations gain the experiences and knowledge needed to become successful professionals , especially for women . And some mentees are starting young . “ Mentoring is at the core of our mission to build Girl Scouts of courage , confidence , and character who make the world a better place ,” notes Natasha Hemmings , CEO of Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey . Her organization serves a large portion of Northern / Central New Jersey .

“ Through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience ( GSLE ), we help young people develop leadership skills , resilience , and a strong sense of purpose . This experience is built on collaboration , creativity , and hands-on learning , ensuring participants are prepared to make a meaningful impact ,” Hemmings says .
Hemmings explains that ensuring inclusivity and diversity requires intentionality , accessibility , and a commitment to meeting participants where they are . “ We create mentoring opportunities that reflect the backgrounds and experiences of the young people we serve ,” she notes .
Expanding access to mentorship beyond traditional troop settings is a key strategy . While troop leaders and volunteers provide invaluable
guidance , the organization also offers opportunities for peer mentoring and access to role models . “ Through initiatives like the Girl Scout Leadership Center in Newark and our Girl Scouts on the Go ! Mobile Classroom , powered by Kean University , these programs bring hands-on learning directly into communities that have historically had fewer opportunities ,” Hemmings explains .
Girl Scouts is often a young girl ’ s first leadership training . Many of New Jersey ’ s top women business leaders have participated in the program .
“ I was a Daisy and a Brownie ,” recalls Jennifer Solewski , Vice President at Bayshore Family of Companies . “ I enjoyed the collaboration with the girls and the troop leaders . They taught us things and gave us a sense of independence . It was wonderful ,” she says .
“ The Girl Scouts make an impact . And the cookie sales are a big deal . I was very shy as a child . People who know me today might find that hard to believe , but the cookie sales helped get me out of my shell .” Solewski also credits the Scouts for helping young girls foster entrepreneurial thinking . “ It ’ s a great program ,” she says .
Mentorships In Business Like a Baskin-Robbins menu , mentorships exist in many flavors . From one-on-one coaching
to group programs , mentoring styles abound . For example , there is peer mentoring , situational mentorships , and reverse mentoring , team mentoring , career mentoring , and something called flash mentoring , ( quick , one-off mentoring , usually on a single topic ) to name a few . Situations can be formal and structured , or informal and short-term . Each form suits the individualized needs that exist in companies and with individuals .
Mentoring is not a one-way learning experience . Reverse mentoring , for example , happens when a younger employee helps an older employee gain knowledge and skills .
Cindy Meyer , President of Ridgewood Moving , explains how her mentoring of a younger salesperson has surprisingly morphed into a reverse mentoring experience .
“ We learn from each other . I ’ m enjoying his tech savvy and how he ’ s engaging social media ,” she notes . As a result , the two are blending old-school tactics with new technologies . Their mentoring discussions include sharing new ideas like starting a podcast , while Meyer is teaching her mentee the powerful value of handwritten personal communication touches .
“ We have emails and we text , however , with every completed job , I handwrite a personal note to welcome the client to their home . Now , he ’ s
Natasha Hemmings , CEO of Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey
Jennifer Solewski , Vice President at Bayshore Family
Cindy Meyer , President of Ridgewood Moving
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