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■ Enterprising Women in Commerce

■ Enterprising Women in Commerce

integrity . They are someone people look up to ,” she notes .
Vulnerability , empathy , and accessibility are other important traits . “ Ultimately , our goal is to develop mentees into better employees and more fulfilled people ,” Zolezi adds .
“ A good mentor listens more than they speak . It ’ s about understanding where your mentee wants to go , not just telling them what to do ,” notes Vierheilig . “ Honesty and vulnerability also make mentorship meaningful . I ’ ve always valued mentors who shared not just their successes but also their challenges . A great mentor is also a connector ; someone who helps open doors and expands a mentee ’ s professional network .”
How Do You Match Mentors and Mentees ?
“ Matching mentors and mentees requires a thoughtful approach that prioritizes shared interests , goals , and accessibility ,” explains Hemmings . “ We focus on creating mentorship opportunities that feel organic and meaningful , ensuring that young people connect with opportunities and mentors who can inspire and guide them based on their interests and aspirations .”
What are the Potential Challenges
“ One common challenge is mismatched expectations ,” explains Vierheilig . “ Setting clear goals at the outset helps avoid frustration . Time constraints can also be an issue , so it ’ s important to prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to check-ins . And if a mentoring relationship isn ’ t working , it ’ s okay to pivot ; mentorship should always be a positive and productive experience for both parties .”
“ Having an open dialogue is important ,” adds Zolezi . “ It is not only about verbal communication , it is about comprehension . We need to make sure the mentees are understanding what they are hearing . They need to be engaged and listening , particularly in remote settings . Zoom meetings are great , but it is important that mentors use verbal keys and speak to the mentees and not the materials . They must make a connection , and we must have an open-door policy when things aren ’ t connecting ,” Zolezi explains .
“ You have to have time management in a mentoring relationship ,” adds Meyer .
“ Making sure that mentorship is not just available , but relevant and engaging is an important challenge ,” notes Hemmings . “ The way young people connect , learn , and find inspiration has evolved , and mentorship must evolve with it . We address this by ensuring that our programs remain hands-on , interactive , and reflective of real-world leadership experiences ,” she offers .
Biggest Lessons Learned as a Mentor ?
“ It ’ s very humbling to have someone look up to you for guidance and advice ,” explains Solewski . “ To be able to find ways to take setbacks and mistakes and turn them into learning milestones has been a very good experience .”
“ Every mentor-mentee relationship is different . There ’ s no one-size-fits-all approach ,” notes Vierheilig . “ I ’ ve also learned that mentoring is a two-way street ; I ’ ve learned just as much from my mentees as they have from me .”
Best Advice a Mentor Ever Gave You ?
“ Don ’ t eat the coffee cake ,” Michele Zolezi jokes , adding that the best advice she received was to surround yourself with the people that you aspire to be . “ Don ’ t play small . Push yourself outside that comfort zone . Envision yourself at the highest level you want to be and do everything in your ability to get there . And don ’ t be afraid of failure .”
The best advice Vierheilig ever received was to never to lose sight of who you are and what
“ Matching mentors and mentees requires a thoughtful approach that prioritizes shared interests , goals , and accessibility ,” explains Natasha Hemmings , CEO , Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey .
Photo : Getty Images / iStockphoto / g-stockstudio you believe in . “ Never let external pressures change that ,” she says , adding “ Careers come with challenges . There will be tough days and difficult decisions .”
“ I used to work at Alexanders Department Store as a buyer ,” recalls Meyer . “ My boss , Mr . Greenwald used to say to me , Cindy , where ’ s Felix ? And I ’ m like , I don ’ t know . I was 20 years old . He told me , I don ’ t ever want to hear that answer out of your mouth again . When I ask a question you don ’ t know , tell me you will find the answer .”
Who Made a Big Impact on You … and Why ?
“ I had two beautiful mentors ,” recalls O ’ Connor . “ One was the late Jim Beattie ( co-founder of law firm Beattie Padovano and former CIANJ Chairman ) and Jim Napolitano ( past President of Commerce Bank and later TD Bank ) who was also my first landlord . They were my banker , my lawyer , and my landlord early on . They encouraged me and helped me . For the first years of my business career , those two gentlemen probably had more of a positive influence , providing encouragement , and including me in things that I wouldn ’ t have ordinarily been invited to the table for as a young upstart . Both of them have passed away , But I will never forget either one of them . I love them dearly ,” she recalls .
“ One of the most influential people in my career has been Violet Apple , former CEO of Girl Scouts of Central Maryland ,” relates Hemmings . “ She is not only a mentor , sorority sister , and friend , but also a role model with more than 40 years of experience in the Girl Scouts . She exemplifies bold , purpose-driven leadership and has shown me what it means to lead with strength and empathy .”
“ Violet taught me how to navigate the complexities of nonprofit leadership . More importantly , she has been an unwavering champion for equity and inclusion ,” Hemmings relates .
Vierheilig reveals that she has had several incredible mentors . “ The ones who made the biggest impact weren ’ t just advisors , they advocated for me behind the scenes ; recommending me for roles and opportunities . Providing that kind of behind-the-scenes support is one of the most valuable things a mentor can do , and it ’ s something I now strive to do for others ,” she concludes .
Editor ’ s Note : CIANJ celebrates Women ’ s History Month with a special networking breakfast event on March 13 , 2025 , at the Glen Ridge Country Club . In addition to a panel discussion themed “ Mentoring the Next Generation ,” the morning will include a Keynote by Natasha Hemmings , Chief Executive Officer , Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey , and an exposition where women entrepreneurs will showcase their products and services . Find tickets on the CIANJ . org website .
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