By Steve Adubato , PhD
Freelance Contributor
People talk all the time about starting their own business . Some people believe if you are good at something , then that is the thing you should do . If it were only that simple . With this in mind , let ’ s identify the other leadership and communication traits that entrepreneurs need to succeed : ◾ It ’ s all about the customer . It ’ s terrific if you are enthusiastic about a particular product or service , but your business won ’ t work if that product or service is not compelling to prospective customers . People must want or need what you are selling .
◾ Promote your brand . Get comfortable with self-promotion . You can ’ t succeed in a small business unless you are constantly communicating why you believe in yourself and what service or product
you are selling . What makes you stand out ? What makes you distinctive ?
◾ Be humble . This may sound like a contradiction to the point above , but it ’ s not . Humility is being secure enough to acknowledge that you don ’ t have all the answers . Therefore , as an entrepreneur , you want to know more and ask probing questions .
◾ Burn the midnight oil . Successful small business professionals understand that we don ’ t work conventional hours . Sometimes , we are drafting a business plan or sketching out our vision at two or three in the morning . Further , not only do we not resent doing it , but we love doing it because at our core , entrepreneurs have a special passion .
◾ Be persistent . See a “ no ” or rejection as an invitation to prove how wrong those who rejected you really were . If you are easily defeated by the word “ no ”, then going into your own business may not be for you . However , if you can get beyond the rejection , the satisfaction of getting a “ yes ” is what makes being in business for yourself worth it .
Steve Adubato , PhD , is the author of five books including , “ Lessons in Leadership .” His sixth book , “ Lessons in Leadership 2.0 : The Tough Stuff ,” will be released in summer 2023 . He is an Emmy ® Award-winning anchor with programs airing on Thirteen / WNET ( PBS ) and NJ PBS . He has also appeared on CNN , NPR and NBC ’ s Today Show . Steve Adubato ’ s “ Lessons in Leadership ” video podcast with co-host Mary Gamba airs Sundays at 10:00 a . m . on News 12 +. For more information visit www . Stand-Deliver . com |
Photo : Getty Images / iStockphoto / monkeybusinessimages |