■ Enterprising Women
■ Enterprising Women
right : Gratitude , accountability , and humility build strong relationships while earning respect .
Mildred Mihlon : Always do the right thing , or at least what you perceive as righteous . Hard work pays off , so do not take shortcuts ; nothing good comes from lies ; lies are transient and short-lived , but truth is eternal . Be true to yourself . People remember real people .
Marcia Frieze : I started my professional career as a clinical social worker . While I had no expectation or plan to go into industry or manufacturing , I learned from social scientists and mentors how to listen and solve problems . This led me to a leadership position where I applied a systems approach to helping people and product development . They also taught me to take a team approach to leadership . What that means is I can see the forest from the trees . I understand how our products work as a system , and how to adapt to the user ' s needs . My process utilizes qualifying questions and investigation techniques to produce sustainable products that address societal needs , specifically infection prevention .
Teri Capparelli : The most valuable advice I received was to be confident and to believe in myself and my capabilities . Confidence is key to commanding respect and influence .
Janet Ryan : The most valuable advice I have received was how to export and use the resources available through the U . S . Commercial Services , part of the U . S . Department of Commerce . Having applied and received the STEP grant , I was introduced to the world of international business , which was very eye-opening for a small business . Since it was such a new area for me , I hired a consultant to help guide me through the process . The consultant advised us not to contract with a large company in the early stages because we weren ’ t set up to fulfill an obligation of that magnitude . We surely did not have the experience in trade or the financial resources and legal counsel needed to succeed on a large scale .
Deborah Visconti : Successful leadership depends on empathy and active listening . This advice is valuable because it fosters trust and open communication , which are essential for effective teamwork and decision-making . Empathy helps in building strong relationships , while active listening ensures that diverse perspectives are considered , leading to more well-rounded and successful business strategies .
Editor ’ s note : This year ’ s Enterprising Women event will be held on August 14 , 2024 , beginning at 8:30 at the Glen Ridge Country Club . Tickets are available on the CIANJ website .
This feature is an excerpt from a longer interview , available on COMMERCE magazine ’ s website : www . commercemagazinenj . com .
Marcia Frieze , CEO , Case Medical
Janet Ryan , Founder and Owner , SpectraSpray Global
Teri Capparelli , Executive Director , Habitat for Humanity of Bergen County
Deborah Visconti , President and CEO , Bergen New Bridge Medical Center
August 2024 COMMERCE 19