By Steve Adubato , PhD Freelance Contributor
One of a leader ’ s toughest jobs is to communicate a message that people don ’ t want to hear . The true test of a leader is how he or she handles adversity . Consider some leadership tips when sharing difficult information : ◾ State the problem using clear language . For example , “ We are nearly bankrupt and if we don ’ t do something about it immediately , the pain is only going to get worse .” Avoid using language like ; “ I think this is a serious situation that we should probably address in the near future .” Such qualifiers as “ I think ” and “ probably ” communicate doubt on your part .
◾ Go into detail about the problem , without inundating your audience . At some
point if we communicate too much detail , we lose the ability to engage our audience in a spirited conversation . Alternatively , if we don ’ t share enough detail , it will leave your audience with unanswered questions . Striking a balance is key .
◾ Have an open-door policy . Once you communicate your plan of action , it is essential to be totally accessible . Too many CEOs attempt to shield themselves from tough questions . That ’ s why open and unscripted forums with employees and key shareholders are so productive .
◾ Create a sense of urgency without panic . Telling people , “ We have a serious problem , and this is how we are going to get out of it ” is one thing ; but communicating that the sky is falling and there is nothing we can do to stop it is another .
◾ Be firm but flexible . A leader should communicate his or her plan with conviction and passion while still being open to recommendations and revisions . Being receptive to feedback
makes you stronger by showing you are confident enough to listen and admit you don ’ t have all the answers .
Steve Adubato , PhD , is the author of five books including , “ Lessons in Leadership .” His sixth book , “ Lessons in Leadership 2.0 : The Tough Stuff ,” will be released in summer 2023 . He is an Emmy ® Award-winning anchor with programs airing on Thirteen / WNET ( PBS ) and NJ PBS . He has also appeared on CNN , NPR and NBC ’ s Today Show . Steve Adubato ' s “ Lessons in Leadership ” video podcast with co-host Mary Gamba airs Sundays at 10:00 a . m . on News 12 +. For more information visit www . Stand-Deliver . com
Photo : Getty Images / iStockphoto / fizkes |