■ Philanthropy
■ Philanthropy
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Fund-raising Efforts
Earle Companies
Earle is a family-owned business leading the industry with divisions in heavy civil construction , asphalt and aggregates , environmental , and trucking . As part of Earle ’ s commitment to the communities in which we live and work , The Earle Family Foundation was founded . As Earle ’ s philanthropic arm , the Foundation is dedicated to helping nonprofit organizations .
Over the past six years , The Earle Family Foundation has been dedicated to beating the opioid epidemic . Through our strategic partnership with HOPE Sheds Light and Hackensack Meridian Health at Jersey Shore Medical Center , we actively contribute to this cause helping local families combat the opioid epidemic through aggressive education and treatment .
We hold a successful Annual Charity Golf Classic to raise funding , we participate in the annual HOPE walk , and we offer a wellness program in the workplace for employees . The Foundation raised approximately $ 1.5 million in charitable funds in the last six years .
Through these efforts Earle is helping to provide a safe and supportive environment along with the resources needed to address emotional health and well-being for employees , their families , and our communities .
Fennelly Associates
Hamilton-based commercial real estate service provider Fennelly Associates has been an institution in central New Jersey ’ s business
NY Cares reached out to Mazars to ask for help sorting coats for those in need ahead of winter . Volunteers wrote notes of encouragement to be distributed with the coats .
Photo : Mazars community since 1986 . The company has left an even more enduring mark on local communities through its support of local non-profits such as Eden Autism and PEI Kids . In 2022 , 100 percent of staff participated in fundraising events .
Eden Autism focuses on improving the lives of people with autism through support services . Fennelly Associates President Jerry Fennelly , SIOR , organized Eden Autism ’ s first 5K fundraising race over 25 years ago and continues to be an annual sponsor . Additionally , Fennelly Associates serves as an annual super-sponsor for PEI Kids ’ fundraiser , was a gold sponsor of their first post-pandemic “ Wine and Food Tasting ” event and Nancy Fennelly , the firm ’ s Director of Finance , serves as a member of PEI Kids Board of Trustees to support its work promoting and maintaining a safe environment for all children .
Mazars annually donates $ 100,000 to organizations dedicated to each year ’ s cause . This year , each U . S . office selected a charity or charities to receive support . Supported causes include veterans ’ services ; safe-haven programs for youth and young-adults ; refugee and immigrant services and homelessness and addiction support among many others . In 2022 we celebrated our sixth annual Days of Service – a volunteer initiative that encourages employees to devote a full workday to assisting local service organizations . Hundreds of employees and partners spent the day at many different community and non-profit programs . We also partnered with veteran service organization American Corporate Partners ( ACP ), the only nationwide veteran mentorship program that offers yearlong , customized , one-on-one career counseling and networking opportunities with seasoned corporate mentors to transitioning service members and active-duty military spouses . In addition to other efforts previously mentioned , in 2022 Mazars and its employees donated over $ 62,000 to over 132 supported causes .
Peapack-Gladstone Bank
Peapack-Gladstone Bank is committed to making a difference in the quality of life of individuals in its communities . In November and December , the Bank presented its 2nd Annual Charity Christmas Tree Sale . Orchestrated by Bank employees and held on the property of its Boonton location , the event showcased 300 trees , in various species and sizes , which were netted on site and loaded for transport . Sale proceeds totaling $ 30,607 were donated to youth mental health programs offered by the Lakeland Hills Family YMCA in Mountain Lakes . Each year , a new community beneficiary is named . This annual sale brought together the community , while making the holidays merry and bright for many local individuals and families . Through volunteerism and monetary and in-kind donations , Peapack-Gladstone Bank is committed to making a difference in its communities , not only during the holiday season , but the whole year through .
Global Outreach
Holy Name
Holy Name is a leading independent health system , providing world-class care through a combination of medical expertise , innovative technology , and humanity at the heart of every interaction . The Teaneck-based system is also home to Hôpital Sacré Coeur , the largest private hospital and public health provider for the more than 250,000 people living in the Milot region of Haiti , the poorest country in the Northern hemisphere .
On that island there is little to no access to adequate housing , sanitation , water , electricity , or food . Forty-three percent of Haitians , or 4.7 million people , face acute hunger – including 2.4 million children . Managed hand in hand by Holy Name clinical and administrative leaders in Haiti and in Teaneck , Hôpital Sacré Coeur provides medical assistance and crucial relief to those in the community . The hospital also serves as a food distribution center for the Milot community , distributing much-needed nourishment , which has been packed by volunteers through Packathons across the United States – all led by Holy Name . To date , 5,300 volunteers have packed more than 1.3 million meals and raised nearly $ 450,000 for the most vulnerable in Milot .
NPZ Law Group has made a significant impact in the community for the past two years through various charitable efforts .
In India , our team worked closely with local organizations to provide education and resources to underprivileged children by supplying educational materials and technology to underprivileged children in India .
In our local community of Paterson , New Jersey we organized a clothing drive for the underprivileged and distributed the items to those in need . We also partnered with a Church in Prospect Park to provide meals and support to the homeless population .
Furthermore , we also partnered with the Women ’ s Rehabilitation Group ( WRG ) to raise funds for their programs and services . Our team organized a fundraising event which helped to support the critical work that WRG does in helping women rebuild their lives .
We are proud of the impact that our team has made in these communities and will continue to support and give back to those in need .
Terrie O ’ Connor Realtors
The Grace Foundation of Terrie O ’ Connor Realtors ’ mission is to identify local , legitimate and worthy areas of need for the agents , staff and clients of Terrie O ’ Connor Realtors to invest in for the ongoing betterment of our local communities and the people who live here ,
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