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Artificial Intelligence is Spawning New Guidelines and Calls for Studies

Compiled by Diane Walsh

Artificial intelligence ( AI ) has the potential to revolutionize every aspect of our lives . Its burgeoning use is met with awe and trepidation , however , as many embrace the greater efficiencies it promises , while other fear the manipulation and fabrications it could unleash .

Gov . Phil Murphy established an Artificial Intelligence Task Force to study the emerging technology . It will be responsible for analyzing the potential impact of AI on society as well as preparing recommendations to identify government actions encouraging the ethical use of AI technologies .
Recognizing AI ’ s transformative potential , the governor charged the task force to ensure that the state ’ s use of the new technology is fair , accessible , and beneficial to everybody .
The issue is a priority throughout state government . Glenn A . Grant , the top administrator of the New Jersey judiciary , issued a lengthy memo to all state trial courts , providing them with a framework for the “ safe , secure , and appropriate use of generative AI by the state court judges and staff .”
In his memo , Grant notes that AI encompasses a wide array of technologies , including machine learning , natural language processing , and expert systems . Its latest evolution is known as “ Generative AI ,” and refers to large language models that can generate texts , images and other content based on review of prior information maintained in a dataset . During development and training , generative AI models “ learn ” the patterns and structures of data . When activated , such models then generate new data following those patterns .
It ' s this phase of the AI technology , which includes popular versions such as ChatGPT and Bard , that sometimes produces exceptionally accurate output , while in other cases yields false , fabricated and even offensive results , Grant wrote . Unfortunately , some applications of AI can ingrain and exacerbate existing biases and contribute to disparities and unintended outcomes , he said .
Despite the mixed results , the judiciary is unequivocal in its stance that AI may support the court ’ s technological infrastructures and applications and enhance its capacity to provide high-quality service to the public . For that reason , Grant wrote : “ Careful use of generative AI also may facilitate identification of potential biases in processes , or disparities in outcomes and thereby enable us to remedy inequities and support fairness consistent with our mission and core principles .”
In issuing guidelines , the top court administrator wants to ensure the use of AI is responsible , ethical , transparent , and lawful . He also underscored that in using the technology the state court judges and their staff also must comply with all applicable laws , regulations , and judiciary policies .
Government and industry leaders from every sector recognize Artificial Intelligence has the potential to upend our lives . They want to proceed carefully by conducting studies and implementing guidelines for its proper and safe use .
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