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Important Election 2023 Dates :


Your Vote Matters . Encourage Everyone to Vote !

By Anthony Russo President , CIANJ

Next month on Tuesday , Nov . 7 , New Jerseyans will be heading to the polls to elect a new Legislature . This year , members of the State Senate and the General Assembly are up for election . This will mark the first election since the legislative map outlining the 40 districts was redrawn based on the 2020 census .

New Jersey has a population of approximately 9.5 million with the number of registered voters hovering around 6 million . Historically , voter turnout in a non-presidential and non-gubernatorial election cycle is low . Records show us only three out of 10 voters will likely cast their ballots . When you consider how government impacts our lives daily – from the taxes we pay to the policies , priorities , and regulations to which we are subjected – it is surprising that the turnout is not larger .
After all , the 40-member Senate and the 80-member Assembly will vote on so many issues that impact our daily lives . For example , the following are a very small sample of the hundreds of bills currently in the hopper in the State Assembly awaiting discussion and approval :
Important Election 2023 Dates :
October 17
Voter Registration Deadline for General Election
October 28 - November 5 Early Voting Period
November 6 by 3:00 p . m .
In-Person Mail-In Ballot Applications
for General Election Due
November 7
Post Office Receipt of Mail-In Ballots from the General Election
November 7
General Election
◾ A5645 : Directs municipalities to require at least two van-accessible parking spaces in certain parking lots and structures .
◾ A5384 : Prohibits State contracts for technology with Chinese government-owned or affiliated companies .
◾ A5337 : Establishes additional municipal review processes and procedures related to the development of certain large warehouses ; requires certain real property revaluations and reassessments .
◾ A5123 : Limits speculative development of large warehouses until 500,000 acres of farmland are preserved under farmland preservation programs .
◾ A5536 : Provides equitable relief to government contractors who have sustained unanticipated expenses due to increases for construction materials ; appropriates $ 25 million .
As you can quickly see , without our oversight , our elected official ’ s broad-based actions have a direct impact on our lives , our businesses , and our future . Whom we select matters .
So , when you consider that these 120 elected New Jerseyans , out of 9.5 million residents , will decide on the course our state will take in the years to come , it is important to be heard and weigh in on the elections . It is our opportunity to make a difference . Our democracy is best served when the majority of voters are heard . No matter what drives you to vote , be heard , and don ’ t forget to cast your vote .
Whether you choose to vote in person or by mail , it is important to vote in every election to have your voice heard .
Photo : Getty Images / iStockphoto / adamkaz
Photo : Getty Images / iStockphoto / sanfel
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