■ Healthcare
■ Healthcare
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However , successful companies also have growing pains . Campbell ’ s growth strategy also involves emboldening his leadership team . “ We have a phenomenal leadership team , and as our business is getting more complex , we have to be sure each of us in leadership is empowered to continue to drive decision-making ,” Campbell explains , adding that , “ we are in a period of very keen focus and there ’ s no better team to execute on our mission .”
What makes Amicus Therapeutics unique in its industry ? For one , the company remains independent . Campbell explains that most young biotech firms get acquired once they successfully launch their first product . Amicus now has two products and is poised to do more .
Amicus ’ unique patient approach is baked into the company ’ s DNA . Even the name , Amicus , which is derived from the Latin word for friend , relates to their concept of doing right for patients by collaborating every step of the way . “ Our medicines have to be fairly priced and broadly accessible . Our social contract is not only making great medicines but also making sure that those treatments are accessible to patients ,” Campbell says .
Why New Jersey ?
“ New Jersey was our first home ,” Campbell explains . “ We have a rich history in pharma with so many great medicines coming out of our state . There is also a vibrant biotech community here .” In fact , as of 2021 , New Jersey is home to 4,340 bioscience firms , employing more than 127,000 .
New Jersey is home to 4,340 biotechnology firms .
Campbell is also encouraged by the state ’ s recent commitments to industry innovation . “ Projects like the Helix innovation hub in
Projects like the HELIX in New Brunswick will elevate the State ' s pharma and biotech industries .
Photo : Getty Images / iStockphoto / wacomka
New Brunswick try to recapture the ecosystem we had in New Jersey 50 years ago , which has since moved to places like Cambridge and San Francisco . We have the elements to bring that community back through this great initiative ,” Campbell suggests . He also feels the Governor ’ s Life Science Healthcare Fund initiative , using public / private venture dollars to support biotechnology is extremely positive .
If he could change anything in Trenton , Campbell would like to see more positive cooperation between government and industry . “ The tone of the conversation between government and industry can be challenging ,” he points out . “ There is a robust opportunity in New Jersey . We have all the positive attributes . We create jobs . We create great medicines . We are hightech . Many states would love to have what we have so we should continue to work collaboratively to drive business and innovation .”
Campbell hopes the government will also encourage more pharma manufacturing to relocate to New Jersey . “ We need to encourage companies to explore ways to keep industry jobs here in New Jersey .”
Above all , Campbell remains steadfastly proud of his company . “ We see ourselves as the best of what a New Jersey biotechnology firm can be : Making great medicines , being a constructive part of the New Jersey pharma / biotech community , and doing business in a very responsible way so that everyone shares in the value that we create through our innovations ,” he concludes .
Photo : Getty Images / iStockphoto / gorodenkoff
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