Commerce_23_04_v30_digital | Page 22

■ Environment

■ Environment

Continued From Page 18 Middlesex County Utilities Authority and PSEG . Rutgers University is an early adopter of thermal remediation which helped address environmental cleanup requirements in the complex bedrock setting in a timely and through manner . The project was completed within budget , on time , and without a safety incident . Completion of source area remediation has positioned this prime campus space to be part of Rutgers Master Plan for future development .
PSE & G utilized an innovative excavation technology while remediating soil at the former Hoboken Gas Works . The technology utilized a freeze wall system . A freeze wall system is a technique whereby the soil and ground water surrounding an excavation are frozen in-situ to a thickness of several feet over a period of 4 to 6 weeks . This frozen zone provides the structural support in lieu of internal sheet piles and bracing and mitigates the lateral flow of groundwater into the excavation .
The use of this technology provided significant benefits , including eliminating the internal bracing used in a traditional cofferdam . This reduced the schedule , truck traffic , and volume of groundwater dewatered from the excavation . The reduced schedule and traffic lessened the impact to the community , adjacent elementary school , senior citizen housing and high-density condominium units .
Whitestone Associates Inc .
Whitestone Associates , Inc . conducted an augmented bioremediation injection program employing a consortium of naturally-occurring microbes ( which are less impactful to the subsurface environment ) to address residual tetrachloroethene ( PCE ) contamination in soil and groundwater at an existing retail facility in Fair Lawn .
The remediation occurred beneath an existing building that was undergoing renovation to allow for beneficial reuse of the property . Whitestone ’ s remedial action ( RA ) goals included reducing PCE concentrations in soil to eliminate an on-going groundwater contaminant source and treating dissolved-phase PCE in groundwater .
Whitestone ’ s augmented bioremediation proposal reduced or eliminated certain environmental impacts associated with the RA , not the least of which included removing vehicle traffic that otherwise would have been necessary for exporting contaminated soil and importing clean fill under a conventional “ hog and haul ” approach . This innovative remedial technology substantially decreased the project ’ s carbon footprint and preserved landfill space .
Clean Vapor LLC
Clean Vapor designs and implements innovative vapor intrusion mitigation solutions to provide a healthier indoor environment for building
occupants , and documented regulatory compliance for our clients , for ultimate peace of mind .
We do this by taking a holistic approach to assessing the building site and leaving no assumptions intact . Layered slabs , multiple soil substrates and underground tunnels are just a few of the hidden obstacles that we ’ ve encountered that keep the process interesting . Sub-slab radon and contaminant soil-gas can enter your building from soil and water , and it is our job to find those points of access and mitigate them . Teterboro Landing is just one success story we ’ ve contributed to locally , but whether existing building remediation , or new construction system design , Clean Vapor is a single-source provider that educates our clients in best engineering and stewardship practices , for the purpose of protection .
North Jersey District Water Supply Commission Executive Director Tim Eustace
Alan Ashkinaze , who has served on the North Jersey District Water Supply Commissioner since 2011 , nominated its executive director , Tim Eustace , for his environmental accomplishments ,
In 2019 , Eustace announced that the Commission set a goal of reaching 100 percent renewable energy use for the Commission ’ s Wanaque facility by 2024 .
In keeping with that goal , the Commission is utilizing its solar rooftop panels , developing a hydropower project at their Dundee Dam location and is in the process of building the largest floating array of solar panels in the Country , all to achieve the goal of using 100 percent renewable energy to power the Commission ’ s treatment plant operations .
Under Eustace ’ s leadership , NJDWSC will be the first state agency to provide its own green power supply .
Theodore A . Schwartz , Esq .
The law firm of Scarinci Hollenback nominated Theodore A . Schwartz , Esq . for the leadership award . Schwartz is a pioneer in the environmental law field . His career spans nearly 60 years and he has played a significant role in transforming the environmental law landscape in New Jersey . Early in his career , Schwartz headed the Attorney General ’ s Pollution Task Force from 1966-1970 and spearheaded the creation of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection , authoring numerous environmental laws and regulations , including the New Jersey Air Pollution Control Act which became a national model for environmental regulation . He was also a legal advisor to many state and federal agencies on environmental regulatory matters . President Carter appointed him as a Commissioner to the National Alcohol Fuels Commission , where he analyzed the development of alternative fuel sources . In 2016 , the New Jersey Law Journal honored Schwartz with the Lifetime Achievement award . There is no doubt that Ted is a steward of the environment .
Haley & Aldrich , Inc . led a project at Rutgers University to complete remediation at the Busch campus , combining thermal remediation and in-situ chemical reduction technologies
Photo : Rutgers University
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