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with co-host Mary Gamba


Great Leaders Are Lifelong Learners

By Steve Adubato , PhD Freelance Contributor

The best leaders are those who don ’ t think they have all the answers . They ask for and listen to input and guidance from people on their team , and then make a conscious effort to ensure that their team feels valued . Simply put , great leaders are lifelong learners . Consider the following tips that will help any leader who wants to get better every day :

◾ Seek leadership development . Just like an athlete needs a trainer to point out areas for improvement in a golf swing , pitch , or running stride , every professional can benefit from having a coach . If an individual coach is cost-prohibitive , sign up for a group seminar or online training .
◾ Never stop reading . Whether you enjoy online articles regarding your profession or topics connected to leadership , such as how to improve the way you lead your meetings , or if you are like me and prefer a library full of leadership books , reading is truly essential to becoming a lifelong learner .
◾ Seek opportunities to grow . Whether personally or professionally , lifelong learners make a commitment to constant improvement while challenging themselves . This could be looking for a growth opportunity in your area of expertise , joining a board , learning a new language , or taking up a new hobby .
◾ Practice makes progress . While we all wish we could be perfect at something , perfection doesn ’ t exist . Rather , practice makes progress . The key is to constantly grow as you reach new milestones , but at no point in time should you stop looking to improve in some way .
◾ Learn from your mistakes . Too many of us dwell on a mistake and get caught up in negative self-talk . Instead , reframe the narrative and ask yourself ; “ What exactly went wrong ?” “ What can I learn from this experience ?” This approach will improve your leadership and create better results for your team .
Steve Adubato , PhD , is the author of five books , including his latest , “ Lessons in Leadership 2.0 : The Tough Stuff ”. He is an Emmy ® Award-winning anchor with programs airing on Thirteen / WNET ( PBS ) and NJ PBS who has appeared on CNN , Today Show and NPR . Steve Adubato ’ s “ Lessons in Leadership ” video podcast with co-host Mary Gamba airs Sundays at 10 a . m . on News 12 +. For more information visit www . Stand-Deliver . com