New Jersey Offers Free Resources
By Melanie Willoughby Executive Director , The New Jersey Business Action Center
The New Jersey Business Action Center ( NJBAC ) is offering export assistance t
Is your New Jersey small business looking to reach customers overseas ? The NJ Business Action Center ( NJBAC ) Office of Export Promotion has the resources and tools to help !
Through the New Jersey State Trade Expansion Program ( NJ STEP ), which is funded in part through a grant from the U . S . Small Business Administration ( SBA ), the NJBAC offers an opportunity to help Small Business Enterprises ( SBEs ) receive financial awards to offset export promotion costs partially . This includes expenses related to the internationalization of website and e-commerce fees , design of international marketing media , participation in international trade missions and trade events , as well as fees for services provided by the U . S . Commercial Service ( USCS ).
The NJBAC prides itself on helping businesses succeed and recognizes the NJ STEP program as a key initiative for helping small businesses expand their international reach with exporting . The program has assisted numerous companies across New Jersey with their exporting goals .
One example is the NJ STEP funding awarded to Nouveautes Inc , the parent company of Immunity Goodness , located in Fairfield , N . J ., which manufactures 100 % Belgian chocolate and specializes in white and private label manufacturing of infused chocolate . The business connected with a large audience of consumers at an NJBAC-sponsored trade show last September and has since expanded into international sales with the help of the NJ STEP grant .
“ We ’ ve had the honor to work closely with the export promotion team . They assisted us with funding to expand to international markets ,” says CEO of Nouveates , Inc ., David Little . “ This funding allowed us to interface with prospective clients . As a result , our business has grown tremendously as we ’ ve been able to tap a global market .”
CAREOX LLC , a Princeton , N . J . -based company , was another recipient of two NJ State Trade Expansion Program grants . With the help of NJ STEP funding , Young Kim — president and CEO of CAREOX — could attend trade shows to reach potential new customers , grow the company with more employees , and begin exporting products to a dozen European countries Asia , and the Middle East . In addition , CAREOX has also opened a Research & Development center in Princeton , where it will work to develop new products . Kim believes that NJBAC and the STEP grant played a critical role in his export success .
“ As a result of the NJBAC Export Promotion team , our company now participates
New Jersey Gourmet Food Business have found NJBAC valuable in helping them to move their brand inte
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