Exceptional care and safety for exceptional times .
When surgery is the recommended course of treatment , doctors at Saint Peter ’ s University Hospital safely use advanced technologies and techniques appropriate for children and adults , including minimally invasive methods such as the da Vinci ® robotic surgical system . We offer a wide range of specialized surgeries in our newly renovated state-of-the-art operating rooms , including bariatric , breast , colorectal , general , gynecologic , oncological , orthopedic , otolaryngological ( ear , nose and throat ), pediatric , plastic and reconstructive , urological and vascular and endovascular .
We also offer blood management procedures to conserve a patient ’ s own blood and minimize blood loss during surgery . Our surgeons help patients recover quickly and safely , thereby improving or restoring their quality of life .
For more information , call the Department of Surgery at 732.745.8571 or visit saintpetershcs . com / surgery
Safely treating you better ... for life .
Sponsored by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Metuchen da Vinci is a registered trademark of Intuitive Surgical or their respective owners .