■ Honoring Service
Continued From Page 12
The cost to bring the wall to Morris County is estimated at $ 30,000 and donations are being sought to help to defray that cost . VFW Post 7333 also is looking for volunteers to assist while the wall is at CCM . To volunteer or to make a donation , go to
www . vfwpost7333 . org / the-moving-wall /.
People touching the names of their loved ones who perished during the Vietnam War at the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington , D . C .
Photo : Getty Images / iStockphoto / Bobbushphoto
Officials at a press conference , March 9 , at County College of Morris with proclamations celebrating the plans to bring the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Moving Wall to CCM in July . Pictured are ( l-r ) Kellie Doucette from Congresswoman Miki Sherrill ’ s office , Dover Mayor Carolyn Blackman , Randolph Mayor Marie Potter , Willy Tolba from Congresswoman Miki Sherrill ’ s office , William Menzel and Emerson Crooks from VFW Post 7333 , Deputy Director of the Morris County Board of County Commissioners John Krickus , County Commissioner Stephen Shaw , State Senator Anthony M . Bucco and Assemblywoman Aura Dunn .
Photo : Karen Mancinelli
Being a strategic leader requires that we slow down and ask ourselves ; “ What is my goal ?” We must recognize trends and opportunities . It is all about “ connecting the dots ,” so let ’ s consider the following :
--Realize that there are dots to be connected . Many leaders believe that their job is to simply “ deal with the situation ” without connecting the dots as to where trends and market forces are likely to go . This leadership approach is often a dangerous mistake .
--Avoid linear thinking . Some leaders think they have the luxury of moving from A to B and then to C , etc . This won ’ t cut it . The best leaders know that the “ dots ” are a combination of data points and events and find ways to connect those dots .
--Take a moment to pause . While you can ’ t predict exactly how things are going to play out , it is important to pause , think and assess the situation and then calmly consider the possible options .
--Expect disruptions . Great leaders are prepared to adapt and pivot with both a sense of urgency and yet with a sense of calm and strategic perspective when disruptions occur . While this is easier said than done , being a strategic leader also involves managing emotions when the so-called “ unexpected things ” happen .
--Ask key questions of yourself . “ What specifically am I trying to communicate ?” “ What are some options I haven ’ t considered ?” The key is to avoid going on “ auto pilot ” and put yourself in the best position to succeed by being more intentional .
Steve Adubato , PhD , is the author of five books including his latest , " Lessons in Leadership ". He is an Emmy ® Award-winning anchor with programs airing on Thirteen / WNET ( PBS ) and NJ PBS who has appeared on CNN , FOX5 NY and NBC ' s Today Show . Steve Adubato ' s " Lessons in Leadership " video podcast with co-host Mary Gamba airs Sundays at 10:00 a . m . on News 12 +. For more information visit www . Stand-Deliver . com
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