Professional Success is Built on Strong Relationships
By Robert Carvalho President and CEO EAI Inc .
Developing solid and fruitful business partnerships can be the difference between success and failure . From networking in your region and industry , to making smart decisions with suppliers , and paying attention to the human element of relationships – all these factors can help you elevate your business , your reputation , and your longevity . I ’ ve run the environmental services company EAI Inc . for 31 year . Here are some of the things I ’ ve learned along the way that have helped my business become and stay successful .
Build Community
While it is always wise to connect with people who might need your services , and allow them to move forward with an engagement or not , it can come across as self-serving to only connect with people at the moment you need something , like a favor . The long-term play for business is building relationships and connecting with your community . That could be local and regional – as we all know , New Jersey can feel like a tight knit community of professionals who know each other . Each town has
prominent businesspeople , community leaders , politicians , and business organizations – such as Chambers of Commerce – where you can connect with your community . When they get to know you well , you ’ ll become an important part of the community and often , these people will refer business to you . They can also vouch for your integrity and quality because they know you well .
The same goes for your industry . In the environmental field , it ’ s important for us to attend and participate in conferences on brownfields , vapor barriers , and key legislation about cleanup and re-use of land . Staying connected to your industry not only gives you visibility as an expert , it also enables you to stay up to date on the latest trends , products , and more . If you can ’ t go on site , join via Zoom or offer your expertise for your industry ’ s key publications . Most of these magazines are looking for contributors to offer thoughtful content they can share with their readers . And then , you ’ re also offering a very valuable service by sharing your knowledge and expertise
with your community .
Partner Wisely
Vetting partnerships with suppliers , a key component of many businesses , is also critical . With the supply chain crunch hitting a number of industries , lead time on products and supplies has changed quite a bit since before COVID . Working with a partner who is honest and communicative can make all the difference . With some lead times getting as long as six months or more , you want your supplier to let you know . If you plan a product installation for a construction job with a strict schedule planned by the general contractor ( GC ), you can ’ t impede the rest of the project because a product hasn ’ t arrived . For example , EAI works on new construction projects installing vapor barriers or waterproofing to the foundation of the building , often before any of the framing is done . If that product isn ’ t available and is delayed by weeks or months , no other subcontractor on the job can continue , as the concrete slab foundation won ’ t be poured until the waterproofing is installed . This costs the GC a lot of money and can wreak havoc on planning . And if there were a major issue with product delays , you will often need the specifying engineer to approve an alternative product before it can be installed .
Other important considerations for product sourcing including shipping lead time and details , weather restrictions , shelf life and expiration dates , and QAQC ( quality assurance and quality control ) procedures needed for final sign off .
We vet our suppliers before we forge a relationship with them . Our motto is “ trust , but verify .” At the end of the day , you are responsible for your operation . When we receive product , we spot check quality by opening drums and verifying expiration dates . We can ’ t invest thousands on product that could go bad before the project installation date .
Weather and other restrictions are also important to ask about . Some products must be stored in heated environments above a certain temperature like 45-degrees Fahrenheit or else they could freeze , the properties could change , and the product could become unusable .
Asking smart questions about these influential factors can help you maximize the usability and productivity of your products and partnerships .
Networking events create an environment that fosters partnerships and relationships .
Photo : Getty Images / iStockphoto / Rawpixels
It ’ s About People
At the end of the day , business is about relationships with people . And as a CEO , you also have important relationships with your team members who help you perform and achieve on a daily basis . Ask your clients about their family , check in with them on important dates , and show a genuine interest in them . As Dale Carnegie said in his book “ How To Win Friends and Influence People ,” a person ' s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound .
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