■ Environmental Business
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Earlier in her career , Garcia served as the Director of EJ and Indian Affairs at the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation and as Assistant Attorney General at the NYS Attorney General ’ s Environmental Protection Bureau . She was also an Associate Professor at Rutgers Law School , staff attorney at NYPIRG , and a legislative fellow for Senator Robert Torricelli and NJ State Senator Byron Baer .
Rowan University ’ s National Search for 10 Sustainability Catalysts
Rowan University is conducting a national search for 10 new faculty to develop , advance and communicate solutions to humanity ’ s most pressing existential threats posed by the climate and biodiversity crises .
Its university-wide Catalysts for Sustainability cohort will lead and collaborate across its colleges , disciplines and communities , driving new initiatives in sustainability research , advocacy and education .
“ Higher education must adapt now to not only meet the needs of this generation , but the generations to follow ,” says Rowan University President Ali A . Houshmand , Ph . D . “ Investing in sustainability education across every discipline ensures every student can take part in reshaping our planet ’ s future .”
The top 100 public research university is recruiting a diverse pool of researchers with
expertise in one or more of the following areas : environmental justice ; education and public engagement including storytelling ; public policy and advocacy ; discipline-specific sustainability scholarship ; and sustainability practice .
The catalysts will represent each college and school on the university ’ s Glassboro campus , connecting every academic division through a common purpose . Ranked the fourth fastest-growing public doctoral institution in the country by the Chronicle of Higher Education , Rowan is driving rapidly toward R1 status , attracting innovators and experts whose ambitions match those of the institution .
“ This is an exciting opportunity for innovative and entrepreneurial scholars who want to make impactful change — they will be the groundbreakers ,” says Rowan University Provost Tony Lowman . “ We are driving our research by appointing a catalyst in every college and school on our main campus to position Rowan as a thought leader in sustainability research , education and policy .”
The initiative advances Rowan ’ s investment in sustainability as a priority . In the last five years , Rowan has : opened the School of Earth & Environment ; established the university-wide Center for Responsible Leadership , based in the Rohrer College of Business ; formed the University Sustainability Committee ; begun construction of Edelman Fossil Park Museum , a net-zero facility whose themes are centered
Rowan University President Ali A . Houshmand , Ph . D .
around exploration , discovery and responsible stewardship of our planet ; created a certificate program on food systems planning in the Department of Geography , Planning and Sustainability ; hosted a global conference on bio-based and sustainable materials and technologies ; and launched the Sustainable Facilities Center to help public and private entities sustainably manage facilities by reducing the environmental , economic and social impacts of buildings .
Vapor Intrusion
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In 1987 Hatton opened his own business and was hired to solve the radon problem in the nation ’ s parklands . As his business grew , he was asked to provide input to other states and help write guidance documents in the field . Hatton is proud of his company ’ s ability to protect the public ’ s health , while offering energy-efficient solutions that lower the risk of liability through remote management and precise monitoring systems .
One of his crowning achievements was the Advancement in Science and Technology Award given by the Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists for the passive mitigation system design criteria Clean Vapor developed , which is 22 percent more efficient than previous methods .
The industry has taken huge strides . But without accepted standards and best practices , Hatton fears there will be missteps . While most states have enacted regulations that are based in science , Hatton says there have been unintended consequences because regulations were drafted by people without strong scientific backgrounds . Hatton ’ s own education is deeply rooted in chemistry and physics . The fledgling AVIP has already surveyed environmental regulators and they overwhelmingly want a standardized approach to vapor intrusion mitigation , training and collaboration .
Along with Hatton , there are five other founding members : Jim Fineis of Total Vapor
Vapor intrusion is caused by a variety of factors , such as indoor to outdoor temperature differential , weather , rainfall and wind speed .
Solutions ; Craig Cox of Cox-Colvin & Associates , Inc .; Harry O ’ Neill of Beacon Environmental ; Laurie A . Chilcote of Vapor Pin Enterprises Inc .; and Frank Nagy of Vapor Dynamics .
“ They are an amazing group of people focused on improving the industry and the health of people who occupy buildings ,” Hatton says .
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