Commerce_21_11_digital | Page 20



Paving the Way for Zero-Emissions Using Technology , Electric Vehicles

New pollution standards are being proposed by the USEPA .
Compiled by John Joseph Parker Contributing Editor

The U . S . Environmental Protection Agency ( USEPA ) is proposing to set robust federal greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissions standards for passenger cars and light trucks to secure pollution reductions through Model Year ( MY ) 2026 . The proposal , which revises standards set by the previous administration , also outlines the USEPA ’ s plans to initiate a subsequent rulemaking to set standards for MY 2027 and beyond , to speed the transition of the light-duty vehicle fleet toward a zero emissions future . In addition , the USEPA plans to update air pollution standards for heavy-duty vehicles .

This proposal would get the USEPA ’ s clean cars program back on track using technology available to make vehicles cleaner and to encourage more hybrid and electric vehicle technology . The proposed 2023-2026 MY light-duty standards would achieve significant GHG and other pollution reductions and related public health and welfare benefits , while providing drivers with lower operating costs resulting from significant fuel savings .
To revise the previous administration ’ s standards , the proposal would establish more stringent standards for each model year starting in 2023 . The proposed standards drive 10 percent greater emissions improvement than the SAFE rule standards for MY 2023 vehicles and then 5 percent greater emissions improvement each year after . For MY 2026 , the proposed standards would be the most robust federal GHG standards in U . S . history .
The USEPA estimates that this proposal would result in 2.2 billion tons of avoided CO2 emissions through 2050 . The cumulative emissions avoided through 2050 are roughly equal to one year ’ s worth of GHG emissions from all petroleum combustion in the United States in 2019 . Those avoided emissions would provide between $ 86 billion and $ 140 billion in net benefits for Americans . The benefits result from reduced impacts from climate change , including harm to human health , property damages from increased flood risk and changes to agricultural productivity . Further , American drivers would save between $ 120 billion to $ 250 billion in fuel costs through 2050 . With these fuel savings , consumers would benefit from reduced operating costs over the vehicles ’ lifetimes .
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With this action , the USEPA is responding to President Biden ’ s Executive Order 13990 , “ Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis ” ( January 20 , 2021 ), and is taking a decisive first step in reestablishing the U . S . auto industry as the global leader in clean vehicle technology .
The USEPA ’ s analysis shows that manufacturers would be able to comply with these stronger standards using technology that is already used in today ’ s vehicles including technologies that improve efficiency of internal combustion vehicles , with modest increases in the numbers of electric vehicles entering the fleet . These standards provide adequate lead time for manufacturers to comply with reasonable costs .
“ The proposed 2023-2026 MY light-duty standards would achieve significant GHG and other pollution reductions and related public health and welfare benefits , while providing drivers with lower operating costs resulting from significant fuel savings .”
Separately , the USEPA plans to reduce GHG emissions and other harmful air pollutants from heavy-duty trucks . The agency is working on a series of major rulemakings over the next three years . The first rulemaking , to be finalized in 2022 , will apply to heavy-duty vehicles starting in MY 2027 . That action will set new standards for criteria pollutants for the entire sector , as well as targeted upgrades to the current “ Phase 2 ” GHG emissions standards for that model year . A second rule would set more robust GHG emission standards for new heavy-duty vehicles sold as soon as MY 2030 and beyond .
NJEDA Expands NJ ZIP Program to Support Zero-Emission Vehicles
Building on the momentum generated since the launch of the New Jersey Zero Emission Incentive Program ( NJ ZIP ) pilot program earlier this year , the New Jersey Economic Development
“ Getting more zero-emission vehicles on the roads is a key step in New Jersey ’ s response to climate change and improving health outcomes in our overburdened communities ,” says NJEDA CEO Tim Sullivan .
Authority ( NJEDA ) has announced a $ 9.25 million expansion of the popular clean energy initiative . The initial $ 15 million voucher pilot program launched earlier this year to help businesses and institutions in the greater Camden and greater Newark areas offset the cost of purchasing new , zero-emission medium-duty vehicles ( MDVs ). Through the planned expansion , the NJEDA will broaden access to the pilot program to include qualified businesses and institutions in the greater New Brunswick area . Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis , and so far 38 applications have been submitted to the program , representing 148 zero-emission vehicles , and nearly reaching full subscription of the initial $ 15 million voucher pool .
In alignment with Governor Murphy ’ s vision to create equitable economic opportunities , the targeted program outreach has resulted in more than 75 percent of the purchaser applicants being small or micro-businesses and more than 50 percent certified as minority- and / or woman-owned businesses . All applicants approved to date will operate and / or register their vehicles within the
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