Commerce_21_10_v43_digital | Page 8



CIANJ ’ s First Annual Awards for Pro-Business Legislators

Being pro-business is not just a slogan — it ’ s a recipe for success .
By Anthony Russo President , CIANJ

CIANJ ’ s mission statement says it best : “ To be the leader in free enterprise advocacy for the purpose of providing , through education , legislative vigilance , and membership interaction , an economic climate that enhances business potential and makes New Jersey a better state in which to live , work and conduct business .”

Pro-business decisions are hard-fought battles in New Jersey , which is why supporting the Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey ( CIANJ ) and its mission is so important . From advocating reasonable regulations to fighting for a competitive tax structure , the need for business champions in Trenton is ever present and vital . Those who appreciate what it takes to achieve economic growth and create jobs know that being pro-business is not just a slogan — it is the recipe for making our state a better place to live , work and raise a family .
To honor these qualities in the New Jersey State Legislature , CIANJ and COMMERCE Magazine launched the inaugural Champion of Business & Economic Growth Legislative Awards program — sponsored by AmeriHealth New Jersey ; Berkeley College ; Malesardi , Quackenbush , Swift & Company LLC ( MQS ); McCarter & English ,
LLP ; NAI James E . Hanson ; New Jersey Jewish Business Alliance ; NJCPA ; and PSE & G .
The awards — presented Oct . 12 , 2021 , at the Brick House in Wyckoff — recognized New Jersey State Senators and Assemblymen and Assemblywomen for their legislative record of promoting the interests of New Jersey ’ s business community , as well as sponsoring legislation that fosters economic growth statewide .
Honorees , our “ Champions of Business & Economic Growth ” included State Senator Steve Oroho , State Senator Paul Sarlo , Assemblyman Roy Freiman and Assemblywoman Nancy Munoz . In addition , the first two members of CIANJ ’ s Legislative Hall of Fame were inducted — the late State Senator Anthony Bucco , Sr . and former State Senator Bob Gordon , who is currently a Commissioner of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities , as well as a member of the NJ Transit Board of Directors .
Champion of Business & Economic Growth Legislative Awards
Senator Steve V . Oroho has consistently opposed increasing taxes on businesses and has helped craft bipartisan tax reform in New Jersey over the past decade . He serves as the Senate Minority Budget Officer and is a member of the Legislative Manufacturing Caucus . He also sits on two committees very important to the business community — the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee , as well as the Senate Economic Growth Committee . Currently a Certified Financial Planner with
Stonebridge Capital Management , Senator Oroho has previously worked in finance roles for Price Waterhouse , W . R . Grace and Company , as well as Young and Rubicam where he held the position of Senior Vice President of Finance .
Senator Paul A . Sarlo has earned business credentials as a senior executive with the construction firm Sanzari Companies and serves as the New Jersey Senate Deputy Majority Leader . He also serves as chairman of the Budget and Appropriations Committee and is a member of the Judiciary Committee , the Higher Education Committee , the Joint Budget Oversight Committee and the Senate Legislative Oversight Committee . He is a former chairman of the Judiciary Committee and the Labor Committee . He has also sponsored bills which reformed New Jersey ’ s worker ’ s compensation system , criminalized the illegal trafficking and distribution of prescription drugs , required schools to adopt bullying prevention policies and upgraded penalties for identity theft . Senator Sarlo ’ s career in public service spans more than two decades .
Assemblyman Roy Freiman , founder of the Business Caucus , fought for tax breaks for restaurants and small businesses who have had to completely change their business model to adapt to COVID-19 restrictions and to thrive despite the pandemic . The Vice Chair of the State & Local Government Committee , Freiman also serves on the Financial Institutions and Insurance Committee , and the Transportation & Independent Authorities Committee .
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The 2021 “ Champions of Business & Economic Growth ” included ( l-r ) State Senator Steve Oroho , State Senator Paul Sarlo , Assemblyman Roy Freiman and Assemblywoman Nancy Munoz .
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