As breast cancer specialists , we continually ask ourselves “ What will it take to get women back to taking care of themselves ?”
At Englewood Health , our goal is to find breast cancer in its earliest stages when it is most treatable . Throughout the pandemic , we ’ ve seen that many women have delayed their annual mammography – often extending the months between screenings from one year to 18 months or longer . This is significant because when patients adhere to regular screening schedules the incidence of late-stage diagnosis is reduced , and the outcomes are better .
By encouraging each other to get an annual mammogram , we can help those we love to stay healthier . Talk with your daughter , your mom , your sister , your wife , your mother-in-law , your friends and urge them to go for their mammogram .
Today , a large majority of women with early-stage breast cancer are cured — an important reason to adhere to annual screening mammography .
You can help ! Ask her to make the appointment . Remind her that it is because you care . If she says she ’ s “ too busy ” – free her up ! Babysit the kids , make a meal , offer a ride , encourage her to take a vacation day and get her “ mammo !” Call , email , or visit our website and our team will find an appointment . Concerned about Covid ? We have extensive safety protocols in place . Afraid of what we ’ ll find ? Our compassionate team is there every step of the way . Run out of reasons to delay needed medical care ? It ’ s time to prioritize health and resume normal screenings .
As family , friends , and loved ones of the women in your lives , you can have an impact by sharing this urgent message : Get screened for breast cancer — Get a mammogram .
Mindy Goldfischer , MD Medical Director Chief of Breast Imaging
V . Merle McIntosh , MD Chief of Breast Surgery
To book an appointment at one of our locations , visit englewoodhealth . org / appointments , scan this QR code , or call 201-894-3622 .