Ramapo College : How to Pandemic Right
The Mahwah institution of higher learning planned its work and worked its plan .
By Tom Worley Chief Operating Officer , Clear Tunnels Publishing Solutions
As the state ’ s premier public liberal arts college , Ramapo College of New Jersey has been providing students with a strong foundation for a lifetime of achievement since its founding in 1969 . The college emphasizes teaching and individual attention to all students , and promotes diversity , inclusiveness , sustainability , student engagement , and community involvement .
The Pandemic Assessment Team at Ramapo was kind enough to provide COMMERCE with a comprehensive look at how to correctly handle a pandemic .
COMMERCE : What was your institution ’ s immediate response to the pandemic in Spring 2020 ? PANDEMIC ASSESSSMENT TEAM : Ramapo College of New Jersey responded to the pandemic in early Spring 2020 . The 6,000-plus student public college immediately activated its Pandemic Assessment Team .
The Pandemic Assessment Team is led by the college ’ s Dean of Students , Melissa Van Der Wall . It also includes :
◾ Provost / Chief Academic Officer , Susan Gaulden
◾ Associate Director of Facilities Management , Lauren Tibbets
◾ Director of Environmental Health and Safety , Gina Mayer Costa
◾ Other key personnel including representatives from Public Safety , Health and Counseling , Human Resources , etc .
The team also worked in partnership with a Return to Campus Task Force , comprised of faculty and staff , which was responsible for developing plans in compliance with the Restart Standards published by the NJ Office of the Secretary of Higher Education .
“ In early 2020 the Pandemic Assessment Team began monitoring the evolving coronavirus and on February 3 the college issued its first communication to students and others . That initial message outlined the college ’ s Emergency Preparedness Protocols , CDC information and prevention efforts , health and counseling services , and it announced the cancelation of some of the college ’ s study abroad programs .”
- Melissa Van Der Wall “ From the beginning we committed to ensuring our decisions prioritized the safety of our community and that our communications with students , their families , and our colleagues focused on cogent information , actionable steps , and the availability of support services . In the past 15 months a great deal has changed in the world , but Ramapo ’ s commitment to our students ’ safety has not fluctuated .”
- Melissa Van Der Wall
“ Prior to Ramapo ’ s first confirmed Coronavirus case on campus or the governor ’ s ‘ stay at home ’ mandate , the college had announced a shift to remote instruction for an initial two week period , and we had largely vacated our residence halls since the timing coincided with spring break . During this time , we learned of the first case of Coronavirus on campus , and we quickly moved to extend remote instruction and shifted to remote work for non-essential employees . Access to campus was severely limited during this time
“ Care Managers provide individualized attention in assisting students with nonmedical needs , including food , academic supplies , and access to counseling ...”
due to state-issued mandates and institutional efforts were redirected to provide students and faculty with the technical , pedagogical , and wellness supports they needed to acclimate to this new instructional environment .”
- Susan Gaulden
Q . How did you adapt instruction ? What worked , what didn ’ t ? A . “ Pre-pandemic , Ramapo College delivered instruction via three distinct course delivery modes : in-person , hybrid in-person-asynchronous , and online . During the pandemic , the college developed three additional course delivery modes — hybrid in-person-virtual-synchronous , virtual-fully-synchronous , and virtual-synchronous-asynchronous — which means that students now have six different course delivery modes from which they may choose , each of which is thoughtfully designed to meet a variety of learning needs and comfort levels . For example , students who enroll in lab science courses can choose course sections with face-to-face class meetings held on campus or can virtually participate in course sections that do not require any on-campus participation . Furthermore , a number of instructors experimented with various best practice remote instructional technologies including pre-recorded lectures , virtual class meetings held via Webex video conferencing , instructor-created asynchronous learning experiences delivered via the college ’ s learning management system , and even simultaneous instruction of students on and off campus through the use of Webex room kits .”
- Susan Gaulden
“ Enrollment at Ramapo College has remained strong throughout the pandemic , and we attribute this to our undeterred commitment to continue to safely place students at the center of their collegiate experience . This means maintaining high-quality instruction through new learning modalities , providing students with meaningful opportunities for co-curricular engagement , and ensuring our physical spaces are safe and accessible for students .”
- Susan Gaulden
“ In collaboration with our Student Government Association , the college ramped up its efforts to make available programs and services for all students to help them cope with changing needs and demands . From virtual club meetings to modified on-campus career fairs and athletics , our students continued to remain engaged in collegiate life despite the challenges brought forth by the pandemic . During this time , the college ’ s Men ’ s Soccer team even won its first State Conference Championship , the college launched a Doctorate of Nursing Practice program , and our students , faculty , and staff earned national recognition from the Campus Prevention Network for our exemplary efforts to foster student safety , well-being and inclusion through online programs .”
- Susan Gaulden
“ A specialized group of Ramapo employees was developed to serve as Care Managers . Care Managers provide individualized attention to assist students with non-medical needs , including food , academic supplies , and access to counseling and related support services as needed .”
- Melissa Van Der Wall Continued On Page 12
June 2021 COMMERCE 11