Commerce_21_05 | Page 22

■ Healthcare

■ Healthcare

Continued From Page 18 outcomes . Our Nursing Workplace Environment and Staffing Council continues to meet regularly to promote the wellbeing of our staff . Our nursing team has mobilized COVID vaccine clinics , administering over 14,000 vaccines [ through April ] to employees , physicians and those most ‘ at-risk .’ Many nurses volunteered to assist .
Nurses remain the backbone of any healthcare facility .
is remarkable . Nurses from other areas volunteered to assist their colleagues on our COVID units , further demonstrating Saint Peter ’ s culture of excellence and commitment to our Catholic mission . Saint Peter ’ s leadership provides our nurses the support needed to maintain a healthy work environment as they face unprecedented stress as a result of the pandemic . Saint
Peter ’ s recently became the only hospital to receive the 2021 Clinical Healthy Work Environment Award presented by Sigma Theta Tau , an organization that empowers nursing leaders to transform global healthcare . The award recognizes and honors a clinical facility that demonstrates a commitment to promoting a healthy work environment and excellence in healthcare
Photo : Getty Images / iStockphoto
St . Joseph ’ s Health By Judy Padula , RN , MSN , NEA-BC , VP , Chief Nursing Officer
Over the past several months , we all have learned to work alongside the COVID‐19 pandemic , providing expert care for both our COVID and non-COVID patients . The vaccine rollout has given the nursing staff a greater sense of hope and an additional tool to help us fight this pandemic . Despite the endless challenges we have faced over the past year , we have learned so much more about how to treat this virus , so patients are recovering more quickly and are discharged after only a few days . At St . Joseph ’ s Health , we continue to treat many critically ill patients , and our nursing staff continues to treat their patients every day with tremendous dedication and compassion . We are all emerging from the pandemic with strength and resiliency .
Continued On Page 22


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