■ Cover Story
Continued From Page 40
discussions on education , professional development and panel presentations on a relevant book or movie .
Aon ’ s mantra is to “ Help A Colleague Help A Client .” This is “ truly at the heart of everything we do ,” explains Webster . The firm employs 50,000 across 120 countries . Its culture is comprised of four key pillars : Impact , People , Opportunities and Support .
In its focus on impact , Aon strives to deliver unparalleled value by empowering its clients , engaging colleagues and supporting the community . As regards to people , the firm ’ s goal is to inspire each person by sharing knowledge and ideas , while collaborating to achieve excellence and take pride in the work . Aon also argues that success can only be achieved through “ unmatched career opportunities ” by giving their employees the tools and leadership they need . The support pillar rounds out this commitment by pledging to appreciate contributions , embracing perspectives and offering support professionally and personally .
Webster says he has learned “ the trait of a great leader is to bring out the best in your team . Don ’ t stifle them for the sake of your own pride .”
Webster ’ s team is responsible for “ deliverables , advising clients , getting new clients and engaging and retaining our talent ,” he explains .
“ I am blessed , grateful and proud of my team ,” he says , adding that he appreciates their counsel . “ Together we are so much better .”
When the pandemic struck and caused the shutdown , Aon had just completed its annual business continuity exercise that tests the firm ’ s ability to operate in a catastrophic event . The drill mandated everyone work remotely . “ Thankfully , it was successful as , little did we know , 99 percent of our staff would be working remotely for the foreseeable future ,” says Webster .
“ The trait of a great leader is to bring out the best in your team ."
While working virtually demands an adjustment , Webster says his team succeeds by “ getting together with more intention .” Along with work-related virtual sessions , Webster also makes certain to put aside time to catch-up on personal matters and family . Young professionals are encouraged to “ throw 15 minutes on my schedule a week ” to debrief or talk about any issue they are facing .
The new environment has many benefits for clients , Webster adds . Now he can arrange virtual meetings with experts across the globe , offering a holistic approach to clients on any range of subjects from retirement benefits to data analysis , cybersecurity , and corporate governance to human capital issues , to name a few .
As a member of the CIANJ board , Webster believes he has a special opportunity to network with companies ’ executives . “ I get different perspectives from individuals across every sector of industry ,” he explains , adding , “ It ’ s so very relevant and necessary because together we share best practices .”
CIANJ President Anthony Russo regularly briefs the board on the legislative policies and initiatives coming from the state capitol in Trenton .
Webster says these briefings “ bring the state to me ” and enable him to better serve his clients .
In a tribute to Black History Month , Aon is developing themes to be discussed each week in February .
Sunday 10:00am