■ Higher Education
Continued From Page 34 portunities for talented , deserving students and
to produce a STEM workforce that is representative of our nation ’ s population . In addition to receiving full institutional support , ACES received the New Jersey Business and Industry Association ’ s Diversity and Inclusion Award and the New Jersey Tech Council ’ s 2019 Innovation in Education Award . Stevens is also building on our many years of leadership in online education to deliver our highly ranked online programs to students across the United States and around the world . An increasing number of students are looking for options in addition to traditional classroom learning . Stevens is meeting that need with master ’ s programs in computer science , data science , financial analytics and robotics to prepare the workforce of tomorrow .
Stockton University By Dr . Harvey Kesselman , President a dialogue on diversity and inclusion that is interwoven throughout the fabric of the institution . In July 2020 , our Board of Trustees made a public commitment to be a leader on social justice issues . This fall , Stockton hosted the Community Conversations and Collective Action series to provide context to understanding systemic racism . Additionally , our Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning , Teacher Education and Social Work programs offer mentorship and internship opportunities that reach into the multicultural Atlantic City community to provide hands-on experiences that prepare our students for careers and introduce younger children and the community to the experience and value of a college education . In response to the pandemic , the growth of online communication services has been a catalyst to Stockton , reaching a much broader audience as students and the public became more comfortable with online learning . Our students know they can work and study almost anywhere and anytime . an institution that offers many pathways to a degree and embraces the transformative power of education , equity , flexibility , access and empowerment remain central to our mission . We are proud that our adult learners come from a myriad of backgrounds . Our nursing students , active duty military and veteran service members , first responders , family caregivers and working professionals tell us that their online Discussion Board assignments reflect a broad range of perspectives and worldviews . These exchanges help them expand their cultural awareness and interpersonal skills . Our general education requirements now encompass practical and intellectual skills , ethical leadership , civic engagement and quantitative and intercultural literacy . This curriculum equips students across all areas of study with a baseline necessary to flourish in today ’ s
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Stockton ’ s mission and interdisciplinary approach to teaching emphasizes preparing students to adapt in a multicultural world . Our student body is increasingly diverse , and we have enhanced programs to guide their paths to graduation and careers . Our offices of Academic Achievement and Student Transition Programs support underrepresented students and develop |
Thomas Edison State University By Dr . Merodie A . Hancock , President
TESU is committed to education that broadens students ’ perspectives in an increasingly multicultural and technology-driven society . As
Online learning is a key to success for future generations of business leaders . |
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When attempting to persuade someone to invest dollars into your venture , there is a difference between communicating about the “ activities ” of your organization as opposed to your “ impact ”. Consider the following insights :
Communicating about your organization ’ s “ activities ” sounds like this ; “ At our organization we run a variety of programs including …” The presenter then goes through a laundry list of programs in detail . Communicating your ACTIVITIES has little value to people who are much more interested in the IMPACT you are having on the people you serve .
Conversely , communicating IMPACT sounds like this ; “ In the past three years , we have changed the lives of over 2,000 teenagers by providing them with after-school mentoring and tutoring .” This communication is all about impact and outcomes on people versus programs and activities .
Communicating ACTIVITIES is often linear and predictable , which is not engaging . When you simply list programs and activities , your audience tends to fall into a passive state of listening to the point where they can become disengaged .
Conversely , when using the outcomes approach to presenting , you are asking rhetorical questions like ; “ What do you think happens when you provide a teenager with skills to help him succeed ?” Your audience is curious and thinking . The presenter can follow up , sharing a relevant example .
As communicators we have a choice . We can focus on our activities or on the impact we have on others — which would you rather hear ?
Steve Adubato , PhD , is the author of five books including his latest , " Lessons in Leadership ". He is an Emmy ® Award-winning anchor with programs airing on Thirteen / WNET ( PBS ) and NJTV ( PBS ) who has appeared on CNN , FOX News and NBC ' s Today Show . Steve Adubato ' s " Lessons in Leadership " video podcast with co-host Mary Gamba airs Sundays at 10:00 a . m . on News 12 +. For more information visit www . Stand-Deliver . com