Commerce_2020_10_digital | Page 48



After Due Diligence , A Road Construction Project is Underway Despite COVID‐19

In Monmouth County , crews are hard at work on long-awaited improvements to a nearly two-mile stretch of Halls Mills Road .
Compiled by John Joseph Parker Contributing Editor

As New Jersey ' s economy takes continued steps to reopen , a variety of key construction projects are under way . In Monmouth County , crews are hard at work on long-awaited improvements to a nearly twomile stretch of Halls Mills Road .

Planning for the effort , which goes back decades , has involved significant funding and environmental challenges . With these resolved , the project moved forward this spring .
Project goals are to improve driver and pedestrian safety within the project limits ; improve traffic
The $ 25 + million project will realign the roadway , introduce new traffic signals and decrease traffic congestion .
circulation and levels of service within the project limits ; relieve congestion and increase mobility in the regional roadway network ; and replace functionally obsolete and structurally deficient structures .
The $ 25 + million project will realign the roadway , introduce new traffic signals and decrease traffic congestion . Two bridges will be replaced as part of the project , which will take about two years to complete .
Worker health and safety remains a high priority : crews are wearing masks , and social distancing protocols are in effect .
" From the beginning , Monmouth County has been committed to bringing this effort to fruition while carefully considering the many stakeholders involved — from community residents to property owners along the roadway , to advocates and regulatory authorities concerned
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