Coming Soon at The Voyager Academy Summer 2013 | Page 6

The ‘ Enthusiasts of Voyager Academy ’ is a new group that is open to all parents , carers and family members of students who attend the Voyager Academy .
Enthusiasts of Voyager Academy will help to raise funds to benefit students , their families and the wider community of the Voyager Academy . The money raised will be used for projects and events within the academy .
For more information on the “ Enthusiasts of Voyager Academy ” please email Tanya Lewis , tanya . lewis @ thevoyager . co . uk

Enthusiasts of Voyager Academy

Who is it for ?

The ‘ Enthusiasts of Voyager Academy ’ is a new group that is open to all parents , carers and family members of students who attend the Voyager Academy .
Community members who live within the Peterborough boundary are also more than welcome to become a friend of Voyager Academy . This group has been set up for parent and community members who want to help the Voyager Academy through support , fundraising or just to find out more about what ’ s going on in the Voyager Academy and the other services we offer .

What does the group do ?

Enthusiasts of Voyager Academy will help to raise funds to benefit students , their families and the wider community of the Voyager Academy . The money raised will be used for projects and events within the academy .

How can you get involved ?

By turning up at our first ever Enthusiasts of Voyager Academy meeting which will be on Thursday 13th June from 7 p . m . – 8 p . m . @ The Voyager Academy .

For more information on the “ Enthusiasts of Voyager Academy ” please email Tanya Lewis , tanya . lewis @ thevoyager . co . uk