Lucky Clovers!
Find the Lucky Clovers, which are 50. Every ten clovers, you will find a key, unlock the chest and recieve a lucky prize, two if you are a member.
When finding the last Clover Key, the Epic Clover Key, make sure to go to the Epic Chest and unlock it! The (member)prize can even be a rare spiked collar!!
What do I have to do?
Patrick the Koala!
Patrick is the main host of the adventure! As you all can see, he looks like a Leprechaun a lot! He even keeps a ''Rainbow Treasure''
quarta decima et quinta decima. Eodem modo typi,
The Clovers!!
This is a lucky
clover. They are hidden in clover patches and they are hard to see. Make sure not to forget any of them!!