Column5 Inner Circle Inside Track Q3 2013 | Page 2
How to be an SAP Sales Rock Star in One Easy Step
ant to unleash that sales Rock Star we your prospect. You know the type, I am sure. all know you have inside? It starts by Would you trust them to speak to the client unrealizing you can’t do it all yourself, so those monitored? who choose the best team to back them up If not, then you may be in the market for a will deliver superior results. The one step to new partner. May I humbly suggest you choose maximize your chance for “rockstardom”? to work with the best available partner in the Choose your partner wisely - you usually only industry? get one opportunity to form a team that can work together to close the Join our Inner Circle community deal. We all know how critical for ready-to-use and effective closing new deals are to both SAP EPM sales tools, resources and employees and the partners who information. thrive on the expanding SAP solution ecosystem. In our more than 6 years as an SAP partner, we have learned some valuable lessons about how to drive success not only for our company, but for those SAP AEs that choose Column5 as their partner. These lessons have helped Column5’s leadership take deliberate steps to hone our team into a very efficient machine known for driving the most valuable EPM license transactions globally. This great track record is our legacy, and it was achieved under the most demanding circumstances. How do we do this? Partners can generally be divided into two camps, and the larger (but far less valuable) of the two is probably well known to you. Let’s call these guys the “opportunists”. They’re the ones who call you and ask “What new deals do you have for me?” They might spend resources to go along with you on a sales call, maybe even support Why are we the best? Simply: We invest in a demo, but they’re also the team that makes YOUR success every day. We have the best team you cringe a little when they actually speak to on the planet, focused on enabling SAP EPM
solutions in the largest companies. Our team is comprised of the very best technical resources that establish an optimized platform for your clients. We don’t get those nagging complaints about performance. We have our own inhouse training that is led by one of the most experienced trainers in the EPM industry. We have invested to create a team solely focused on best practices to ensure every implementation meets our stringent standards for success. We have our own development team tasked with building out solutions that make selling EPM solutions even easier – and more importantly – making achieving value with these solutions just as easy. We take this team and we build content for you, to make your goal of demonstrating the high value potential of customer solutions all the more possible. Join our Inner Circle community for ready-to-use and effective EPM sales tools, resources and information. EPM data, which includes budgets, plans, forecasts, and the outputs of predictive models are an essential ingredient in producing a “variance” report. So, the next time you see a solution built on HANA that mentions “variance” or “expected output” – you should be thinking EPM. Getting the EPM talk track right will drive significant increases in deal value for such solutions as HANA, Business Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, not to mention EPM by itself. For that reason, we say EPM is the lifeblood of analytics. If you’re serious about Analytics and EPM sales, you should be building a relationship with Column5.
What is EPM?
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SharePoint Integration