Columbus Fit Ohio Premier Issue | Page 6

The Big


by Micah Clayborn

Personal Traininer & Fitness Guru

Micah Clayborn is a fitness professional, champion bodybuilder, competitive powerlifter and is one of Columbus’s premier personal trainers focusing on helping athletes become elite fitness competitors.

Tip 1: Decide that you need to start a fitness journey

Needs are stronger than wants. The drive to accomplish and obtain what one needs very often makes the difference in whether you actually get there or not.

Tip 2: Write down your 4 W's.

What are your fitness goals?

When are you getting started?

Where is your training going to take place?

Why are you doing this?

Tip 3: Use Resources

Research and hire a personal trainer. Also, do your own knowledge seeking via books & the internet. There's plenty of free information out there.

Tip 4: Be Consistent

Keep consistency in the front of your mind. Apply it to everything. Make a schedule you can manage and stick to it. Your trainer will help you with diet and exercise but you still must be consistent.

Tip 5: Motivate

Watch motivating fitness videos to keep your spirits high for when you lose your motivation, have an off day, or just feel like being lazy.

Tip 6: Pace

Take on one goal at a time. Your journey can change at any time but focus on hitting one goal first then hit the next to gain a sense of accomplishment and review notes when you decide to do something different.

Sometimes the best advice, is the simplest. On the path to fitness, there can be a lot of information to process and every opportunity to simplify, is golden…especially when it works.

So, we asked our resident personal training and fitness guru, Micah Clayborn, to share with us his “Big 6” can’t miss fitness tips to help simplify things a bit. Here’s what he said: