Columbus Fit Ohio August 2018 | Page 21

Christina Wilson (CW) My mom always encouraged me. She always said I could do whatever I wanted. I have a fighting spirit that drives and motivates me. Leaning into uncomfortable situations has also helped make me strong, this helped me build confidence.

KM: It's been a good while since we first sat down, almost a year. At that time you were just making your move into the full time fitness professional world. How has that gone?

CW: It has been exciting, freeing and scary all at the same time. I love the freedom to live out my passion which helps people reach their health and wellness goals.

KM: What's been the hardest part?

CW: The unknown, being the newbie in a new industry can be a challenge to navigate.

However, there are so many pioneers in the industry in Columbus who are always willing to lend an ear and offer me guidance. For that, I will always be grateful!

KM: Tell me about your fitness beginnings. Where did you start? A sport? An experience? A feeling of necessity? How old were you?

CW: I’ve always been athletic, playing basketball, track, soccer & tennis throughout various moments in my life. I started moving less when I went to college and gained weight. I felt horrible. It took me a while to find a routine after graduation and landing a new job. My first introduction to spinning was by a former boss. She took me to one of the classes and I fell in love. It gave me the same intensity as running, it was beat driven and all set to music. Soon after, I looked into getting certified and taught at various facilities part -time while also working full time. Ten years later, I wanted to pursue a career in Fitness full-time while earning my personal training certification. Now, I’m living it.

"Leaning into uncomfortable situations has also

helped make me strong..."