Columbus Fire and Rescue Magazine Volume 4 Numer 2 | Page 34

inside view CULTURE I In this ever-changing world, a constant melding of cultures is occurring. You no longer have to be from a certain country to celebrate traditional holidays and such. For example, you no longer have to live in China to celebrate the Chinese New Year; celebrations take place all over the world. For the past two years I have had the pleasure to observe the celebration of "Norooz" (the Persian New Year). A parent of a student at the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science contacted Columbus Fire & Rescue to request aid in celebrating their New Year. Mr. J was looking for a place that he could light 5 small fires to use in the celebration. The Persian New year falls on the March Equinox, which represents the last day of winter and the first day of spring on the Persian Calendar. I was honored to be able to participate in the celebration that consisted of a group of about 15 students, a teacher, and Mr. and Mrs. J. The fires were used to represent a cleansing that would promote prosperity and good health for the New Year. Each person jumped over the fires several times. And there were several delicious foods that were made by Mrs. J. 34 l COLUMBUS FIRE and RESCUE MAGAZINE l by ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT tabithaBARHAM [email protected] (662) 329-5121